The Cursed Legion

Posted by Phoebii on March 26, 2017, 3:44 p.m.

Hey, guys, I have released the alpha version of my very own CCG!

It's like Hearthstone, but better! Suck it Hearthstone.

Seriously, it does have some similar things with Hearthstone, but it's also very different in many ways.

It's also free. Like, completely free! No MTX, no cosmetics, no bullshit.


Phoebii 7 years, 8 months ago

RNG or no RNG [Poll]

If you played The Cursed Legion, you have noticed that some skills target random ally or random enemy.

This makes The Cursed Legion strongly based on luck.

I can remove these skills and replace them with skills that target certain ally or certain enemy.

For example, Smite, Missile and Assassinate skills would replace would replace Strike skill.

Smite 1: Deals 1 damage to the unit that is next to enemy commander.

Missile 1: Deals 1 damage to the last unit in the enemy row.

Assassinate 1: Deals 1 damage to enemy commander

Why is randomness good? Because it creates "OH NO!" and "OH YES!" moments.

Removing randomness would make the game a little stale, but maybe that is acceptable if in exchange game becomes very tactical.

Also, randomness would not disappear entirely. You would still draw random cards from your deck.

Chaos quests that pit you against completely random enemy decks wouldn't go anywhere either.

(In fact, I am going to improve upon the idea and create an engine that generates a random campaign)

This is a very big decision, so I have created a poll to help me choose the best option.

Click here to vote >>

twisterghost 7 years, 8 months ago

Voted. IMO keep randomness, in moderation. Hearthstone took RNG to the next level, which sure, makes for some serious "YAAS" moments, but also sucks more often than not. Keeping a few things RNG, like random target, or random damage amount is fine, but keep it to a small selection of cards.

Phoebii 7 years, 8 months ago

Keep randomness, in moderation.

I've got similar comments on other sites and I like the idea.

100 guaranteed cards, 10 random (but not overpowered) cards. Got to look at Hearthstone cards for inspiration on what is a good RNG card.

Moikle 7 years, 8 months ago

I get scared of net code. my only experience is looking in the gm help file at the multiplayer section and going "Nope". I would love to be able to though, although I don't really do game dev anymore, and the programming I do actually do has nothing to do with networks at all.

twisterghost 7 years, 8 months ago

I think one of the keys to RNG is keeping it on the small side.


Good RNG examples

* Knife juggler - small damage at random, can be super useful, but won't end the game except for some small scenarios

* Shaman hero power - summon 1 of 4 generally useful but not overpowered units. Can't summon one that exists already, so RNG drops down a bit over time

Bad RNG examples

* Rangeros - if you're lucky enough, this will just end the game in a few turns. Granted, its a game ending card, but it doesn't feel fun to me, even to use it

* Whoever has the "summon a random legendary" ability. Its bonkerstown, and the risk-reward is pretty low. Allowing people to just magically get a card totally out of ramp is annoying, and ending games instantly because of luck is lame.

That said, I'm just salty I guess. I don't like losing because of RNG. I do like plot twists because of RNG, but not game-ending ones.

Requiem 7 years, 8 months ago

Can we take a moment to appreciate Best Card Ysera?

Phoebii 7 years, 8 months ago

Knife juggler is a great example!

Never knew shaman hero power did that!

my only experience is looking in the gm help file at the multiplayer section and going "Nope".
That is exactly how I feel about networking. Those scary asynchronous events that return ds_grids or whatever =P

If I'll PM you randomly about something 3 weeks later, remember that it's because you wrote this comment.

Can we take a moment to appreciate Best Card Ysera?
*Takes moment to appreciate Best Card Ysera*

Seriously, that was the first card that came to my mind when I thought about good RNG cards in Hearthstone.

Cpsgames 7 years, 8 months ago


How dare you get Ragnaros the Firelord's name wrong! He burned things for our sins! I agree with all of this though. Light random elements is fine, but just don't overdo it like Hearthstone did, does, and will continue to do I'm sure.

Those scary asynchronous events that return ds_grids or whatever =P

It's really not that bad or scary at all. You get a nice neat map with all the info in it and can use accessors to make it even easier. A basic outline to look at.

On the host/server:

switch(async_load[? "type"])
	// A new connection.
	case network_type_connect:
		// New connection here
		// Save their socket in an object or list or however you like.
		// I like to make an object for them, though.
		var client = instance_create_depth(0, 0, 0, objClient);
		client.Socket = async_load[? "socket"];

Then on our server side client object:

if (async_load[? "id"] != Socket)

switch(async_load[? "type"])
	case network_type_data:
		// Oh boy, we got a message. 
		// Read the first byte as an ID and go from there.
		var buff = async_load[? "buffer"];
		var mid = buffer_read(buff, buffer_u8);

			case 0:
				// ...

Just one of many ways to begin structuring it. Of course keeping the game states in check and dealing with latency (which isn't really an issue with card games I suppose) can be a hassle, the basic frame for a networked system isn't bad. Especially when done in Game Maker Studio.

Phoebii 7 years, 8 months ago

Okay, so right now 5 votes for RNG and 7 against it.

I guess I'll go with carefully maintained RNG.

The entire Cpsgames comment
Of course, it's not scary to you, because you understand it =P

This is how I want for The Cursed Legion multiplayer to work:

1) All online players would be visible in some sort of lobby.

2) You could click on their names and use asyncomancy to get their deck.

3) AI would take control of that deck and you would fight it.

Would it be possible to do it without me needing to keep the server running?

I have 1-3 Mbps internet speed and if I recall internet speed matters when running a server.

twisterghost 7 years, 8 months ago

I mean the real answer is have a dedicated server instance somewhere on some host, not running it yourself. If you just need to poll for someone's deck contents, shouldn't require much beef.