Hey, guys, I have released the alpha version of my very own CCG!It's like Hearthstone, but better! Suck it Hearthstone.Seriously, it does have some similar things with Hearthstone, but it's also very different in many ways.It's also free. Like, completely free! No MTX, no cosmetics, no bullshit.
RNG or no RNG [Poll]
If you played The Cursed Legion, you have noticed that some skills target random ally or random enemy.This makes The Cursed Legion strongly based on luck. I can remove these skills and replace them with skills that target certain ally or certain enemy.For example, Smite, Missile and Assassinate skills would replace would replace Strike skill.Smite 1: Deals 1 damage to the unit that is next to enemy commander.Missile 1: Deals 1 damage to the last unit in the enemy row.Assassinate 1: Deals 1 damage to enemy commanderWhy is randomness good? Because it creates "OH NO!" and "OH YES!" moments.Removing randomness would make the game a little stale, but maybe that is acceptable if in exchange game becomes very tactical.Also, randomness would not disappear entirely. You would still draw random cards from your deck.Chaos quests that pit you against completely random enemy decks wouldn't go anywhere either.(In fact, I am going to improve upon the idea and create an engine that generates a random campaign)This is a very big decision, so I have created a poll to help me choose the best option.Click here to vote >>Voted. IMO keep randomness, in moderation. Hearthstone took RNG to the next level, which sure, makes for some serious "YAAS" moments, but also sucks more often than not. Keeping a few things RNG, like random target, or random damage amount is fine, but keep it to a small selection of cards.
I get scared of net code. my only experience is looking in the gm help file at the multiplayer section and going "Nope". I would love to be able to though, although I don't really do game dev anymore, and the programming I do actually do has nothing to do with networks at all.
I think one of the keys to RNG is keeping it on the small side.
IMO:Good RNG examples* Knife juggler - small damage at random, can be super useful, but won't end the game except for some small scenarios* Shaman hero power - summon 1 of 4 generally useful but not overpowered units. Can't summon one that exists already, so RNG drops down a bit over timeBad RNG examples* Rangeros - if you're lucky enough, this will just end the game in a few turns. Granted, its a game ending card, but it doesn't feel fun to me, even to use it* Whoever has the "summon a random legendary" ability. Its bonkerstown, and the risk-reward is pretty low. Allowing people to just magically get a card totally out of ramp is annoying, and ending games instantly because of luck is lame.That said, I'm just salty I guess. I don't like losing because of RNG. I do like plot twists because of RNG, but not game-ending ones.Can we take a moment to appreciate Best Card Ysera?
Knife juggler is a great example!
Never knew shaman hero power did that!Okay, so right now 5 votes for RNG and 7 against it.
I guess I'll go with carefully maintained RNG.I mean the real answer is have a dedicated server instance somewhere on some host, not running it yourself. If you just need to poll for someone's deck contents, shouldn't require much beef.