Ludamad is an underage drinker!

Posted by Pookasnooks on Jan. 1, 2007, 9:01 p.m.

msn convo Adam = Ludamad

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

Who are you?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

are you ludamad?

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I'm Adam

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I'm just jacking you, I remember you

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

You're that lesbian girl

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

jacking me again?

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I know that you aren't a lesbian

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

but I'm not sure about gender

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

Im a dude…

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

You sure?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

im not gonna ask for proof

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

so how goes life?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

school sucks

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

i still have a week of vacation

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

I go back tomorrow

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

how was your new years?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

do anything crazy?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

not really

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

That's no fun.

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I'm hungover

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

you got drunk?

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

I dont drink

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

Im 17 anyway

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

you need to be 21

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I'm 15 for crying out loud

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

so… you want to break the rules?

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

Whats so bad about breaking rules

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

rules are there for a reason

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

drinking too much = bad

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

But as a teenager, you are SUPPOSED to break those

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

no dude

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

do you smoke?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

(I dont)

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

I don't smoke

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

thats at least good

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

If i wanted to smoke, i could

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

but i hate it

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

you shouldnt, its bad for your lungs. so good

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

but I dont get why you drink

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

nothing bad happened

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

drinking is fun

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

but something bad COULD happen. that is why the rules are there

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

You sir are so totally black and white

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

wow…. Im going to blog this convo on 64digits

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:


.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

You think people will side with you?

Pookasnooks ut2004, hdm, and pokemon rox says:

of course. most people in the world know that underage drinking = bad

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

go ahead

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

blog it

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

the simple thing is that life is too short to follow things as written, and to pass up a good time because it is laid out before you that you cant

.Adam. Have a great, Canadian New Year. All the americans can fuck themselves. says:

which is why I hate all religion


melee-master 17 years, 11 months ago

Anyways, I'm taking this off the front page as it lacks proper content.

firestormx 17 years, 11 months ago

Underage drinking is good so the rest of you can go kill yourselves!!!!!!!!!!

How is it good?

DS 17 years, 11 months ago

Do you honestly expect a logical answer from someone who just used ten exclamation points at the end of a sentence?

OBELISK 17 years, 11 months ago

All hail Kaz and Luda!

smaksak 17 years, 11 months ago

lol @ DS

Visor 17 years, 11 months ago

Heh, drinking when your a teen is sterio-typical, but you don't have to follow the crowd. Don't whack on those that do, it's just peer pressure and cossy baby! :P

Acid 17 years, 11 months ago

You won't get your point across by being annoying and pushy. >_>

Don't force your beliefs upon others.

firestormx 16 years, 1 month ago

Odd; Luda isn't dead yet…

OBELISK 4 years, 1 month ago

Quote: firestormx
Odd; Luda isn't dead yet…

ludamad 4 years, 1 month ago

Future kids no you can't drink at 15