A few strange game ideas I had recently.

Posted by Powerful Kyurem on Dec. 1, 2013, 2:25 a.m.

Recently, I had some really unusual game ideas. I want to see what you guys think. (Be aware that these ideas are mine. They CANNOT be used taken without asking.)

Candy Crush/Bejewled style 2D platformer:

So, candy crush, bejewled (and lots of other match 3 games) have line busters, bombs, etc.


Like a space invaders style thing.

That got me thinking.

What if I were to, I don't know, make a 2D platform game (like the original mario games for you non-developers out there) where you can only attack by using line busters and bombs. The walls of a level would form one giant match 3 board. Different blocks could represent different things like water, ground, coins, etc. The player could fall through holes made by moves, so it could be used to move lower. On the same token, it could kill the player. Walls could also be busted out to form entrances to caves, hidden paths, etc.

Will add more later.


Castypher 11 years, 2 months ago

Good god colseed, anytime you post a Touhou GIF, I'm going to start asking for the source.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Whoa! Awesome nick!

Also, what is touhou? Isn't that a forum fiction or something?

colseed 11 years, 2 months ago

alas many of them are relatively unsourced, in the sense that i have to connect gifs i find lying around to videos i may or may not have seen yet :(

Touhou is a series of bullet hell games, which basically means it plays like this:

(dodge all the knives and you win)

(super good music playing in the background helps with the dodging though yes)

DesertFox 11 years, 2 months ago

Quote: Kilin
64Digits is about people who follow through with things



Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

DesertFox seems to have a point. What is wrong with just talking about stupid ideas for fun? Its possible that this one might be a good idea, but then again…

DesertFox 11 years, 2 months ago


I… had… a point? As far as I can tell, I merely laughed like a maniac, before subsequently dying of said laughter.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

You alluded to the fact that his statement was absurd. The blogs are not just for doing projects.

Kunedon 11 years, 2 months ago

There isn't too much to discuss with what you provided us. Try expanding on it maybe? It might up your chances of people talking about it, whatever chance that may be.

Castypher 11 years, 2 months ago

You alluded to the fact that his statement was absurd. The blogs are not just for doing projects.

You completely misunderstood. I'm not telling you what you have to blog, I'm telling you that pitching a few ideas you found interesting isn't enough to discuss for everyone else. This is not a conspiracy, so please stop treating it like such.

Desertfox was laughing at my statement that we get things done around here, which was a stretch because procrastination is our slogan. I think most people (except Juurian) would agree with me in my statement regarding blogs.

Powerful Kyurem 11 years, 2 months ago

Kilin: I was not saying it was a conspiracy. I was merely saying that your opinion was, well, absurd (in my opinion anyway). I thought your opinion was that people shouldn't talk about game types, and they should talk about actual games.

My mistake.

EDIT: Did I accidentally delete a post from the end here? I could have sworn that DesertFox said something.