I've been researching many artists recently, following their blogs and the like, and seeing many people here talk about digital art, tablets, etc spurred my artistic desire. I decided to blow the dust off my Wacom tablet and try my first legitimate foray into digital drawing.
I don't actually know what model it is, I know only that it's 5+ years old. But it has a large drawing area which I enjoy.

I'm slowly adjusting to using the tablet, and the awkwardness is subsiding.
Like Ninji did, I had a bit of a
So, ChatrouletteI remember seeing someone here mention that they were drawing pictures for people on Chatroulette, and I've since been eager to give that a go, having gotten somewhat familiar with my tablet. So I downloaded Manycam, opened Paint.NET (hey, at least it does the job), and was
ready to go.
The very first fellow I was paired up with asked me to draw a pony. After I refused he asked for duck, and that I name him Andy:

The next taker asked me to draw a woodpecker, it took a bit of referencing:

One kid asked me to draw a pony again, when I denied the request, he asked that I try to draw a Nyan Cat:

By my final request I was quite tired out, after many disconnections and several ponies later, Someone told me to draw the Mona Lisa. "Anything else?" said I, "Either draw the Mona Lisa or a dick with balls" said my partner. So I jokingly hybridised the two:

Yes, I drew a Mona Lisa with balls.
You have no
idea how many times I got asked to draw ponies. If anyone asked for anything of an equine nature, I would next that sucker like they were a horny cammer.
So, yeah, that was fun. Great speed drawing practice and a good way to expand my visualcabulary.
Paper CuttingFor an visual art assignment.

I'll be making about 3 more of these, one of them being a lantern.
I bet he got a Mona-rection.Why in the world is a horse the first choice from so many people lol. I'd say cheese =p
i guess they're all nerds who like my little pony.
I really enjoy that paper scene.
you should draw a pony instead
gah, your drawings look exactly like an idea i've had lately. i need to get one of those tablet things once and for all.
hahahaha this makes my attempts at drawing look like a 5 year old's
To be honest, I don't see how anything more than just a basic tablet would be worth paying for. The only things that would entice me to buy a new tablet are; a large drawing area, and possibly a monitor in the tablet/computer screen with a tablet incorporated. But I'm quite sure those are expensive as hell.
I bought a Wacom Bamboo tablet. Small version. It's basically one of the cheapest you can get, and I don't have any problems with it.
A Cintiq 12 Inch is $1000 O_o
Like I said, I would like a monitor tablet, but only for how natural it is, but the price-tag is enough to dissuade me. Perhaps for college.I've I've only ever had basic art supplies, and have suffered none.