Share some of your favourite artists

Posted by Praying Mantis on June 2, 2015, 8:14 a.m.

Post an image or two by your favourite artist! Here's mine:

Shaun Tan. An Australian artist that has produced a lot of great children's picture books. I love his surreal/cartoony style. Probably my all time favourite illustrator. I've considered getting a tattoo of one of his characters.

Patrick Smith. Also the guy behind Vectorpark. His playful surreal style is lovely. Play Windosill if you haven't, it's a fantastic little puzzle game by him.

John Kenn. Very creepy ballpoint pen drawings. Strong Adam's Family and Tim Burton vibes from this guy. I especially like his super-detailed scenes like the one above.

Giorgio De Chirico. The painter I like the most. I'm surprised that his style of painting is mimicked more often because it's very gripping. He's able to create such a strong, dreamy sense of space.

Mattias Adolfsson. An artist so skilled it hurts me. I can only hope to achieve this guy's level of mastery and detail. Everything he puts out is so satisfying to look at.

Share your favourites!


eagly 9 years, 9 months ago

Quote: nap
Anthony Pizmarov
Thanks nap! I've had that Shadow of the Colossus image as my desktop background for a while and had no idea who it was by. Looking through his other stuff, I want all of them!

I'm loving that Adolffson piece, SMP. It's so complex but so easy to look at.

Nopykon 9 years, 9 months ago

Bob Ross, and his happy little clouds!

I obviously love #6 too.

Moikle 9 years, 9 months ago

where did my post go? I swear I picked out a bunch of 3d artists to share :(