Why? =/

Posted by Prior Semblance on Jan. 5, 2008, 11:59 p.m.

Hello, I just joined this site. Almost thought I hadn't gotten the registration e-mail but it was actually in my spam folder. Then my internet was messing up and I had to get someone else to load the account verifying page. Oh well.

I'm guessing I should probably say something about myself. Im a guy, I live in the USA, I don't use Game Maker but I've learned a bit, and I am currently attending High School. I have terrible memory, insomnia, and right now I am depressed. Is that enough info for you? Well too bad, it's time for complaints about school.

School is stupid, especially mine. My school district is being controlled by companies and an over powerful parent group of some sort, I am not too sure about the details. Every year they add more and more rules. To make things worse the school is 4 stories tall, overcrowded, and we only get 5 minutes between classes. If you have a class on the opposite side of the school expect to be late cause its impossible to get through the crowds on the main stairs in that much time. And then we have the ridiculous cell phone rules, if your cell phone is seen it gets taken up and you have to pay $15 before the end of the year to get it back or they give it away to charity. I'm just glad this is my last year at the school cause i've heard next year is supposed to be worse.

Well, this site seems pretty cool I will probably be blogging here at least once a week unless you guys hate me.


V 17 years, 1 month ago

I can automatically say welcome to 64D, but you do NOT want to say that you're depressed right on the spot. That'll just get the site assholes attached to ya, like they do to just about anybody. As for that school… That sounds exactly like mine. Only it's 2 stories tall, as for all the rules… they have them everywhere. Don't think it's just you, it's like that in ALL highschools. The main stairways always get crowded cuz of the preps, and it gets annoying. It's a good community, so just ignore ShadowYoshi's statement when he makes one, cuz it's generally a cruel one. Oh damn, almost forgot. Don't feed ChIkEn.


F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

Welcome! Leave your sanity in the box by the door. Oh, and our parser got destroyed, so don't formatting, images, and links aren't possible.

F1ak3r 17 years, 1 month ago

When you read my last comment, disregard the "don't".

sk8m8trix 17 years, 1 month ago

Deleting my comments is a bad idea. Don't ask why, disregard what others say. I say its a bad idea, and sk8 only answers to sk8, and the 64d staff, and sometimes his parents.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

Damn people filling the halls, standing in the MIDDLE of a freakin' PASSAGEWAY haha same thing happens at my school. i feel like a blood cell in a group of blood cells and the school is going to have a heart attack =P

im DSG. some also call me davie. welcome to 64D.

Lapixx 17 years, 1 month ago

@sk8: also to your parents somethimes? :P

Anyway, welcome ;)

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago


NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 1 month ago

Hi, welcome to 64Digits! :)

I'm pretty much agreeing with vanhelsing on everything, except on the SY part, I'm sure he wouldn't do that(not to a new member anyways :P)

melee-master 17 years, 1 month ago

Gotta hate the crowded hallways. Shotgun anyone?

Welcome, by the way.

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Welcome, to our humble abode.

I must agree, deleting Sk8's comments is a bad idea, just… ignore them, if they're nasty.

Oh, and don't be afraid, we don't bite. I don't bite.