Some thoughts on my posting habits

Posted by RC on Feb. 20, 2016, 8:51 p.m.

I remember when I used to plug the phone cord into my laptop's modem at about 9 or 10pm every night, connect to the internet, open up my favorite sites/communities, and read what everyone had to say in posts that piqued my interest. One of the sites I visited the most was the lovely, thriving community of 64Digits.

Back then, I didn't have a constant internet connection because we only had a single phone cord, so I'd have to wait all day without connecting until that night. This also meant I'd end up staying up until about 6am every single night just to get my daily internet fix, which in turn meant I'd wake up at about 3pm every single day. You could say I had no life back then, but you could also probably say the same thing these days as well.

Without access to the internet, I'd write things which I'd either post later that night or not. A lot of the time I'd write about random bullcrap which - quite honestly - no one probably cared much about. They might've commented on random bits throughout each one, but the majority of my posts were nonsensical if my memory is correct (I'd rather not sift through the number of blogs to verify this claim, thank you very much).

If it wasn't random thoughts, it'd be depressing thoughts with graphically written descriptions of what was going on in my mind. I actually just read one of these blogs I posted, and I have to say that things have gotten a little bit better since then. The frequency of the episodes which I seem to have gone through has diminished, or perhaps I just over-embellished them for the sake of gaining peoples' attention as a cry for help.

At some point, I started posting less and less as I understood that I didn't have to post. Most of the things I posted were just randomness I'd post for the sake of posting, but as I grew older and matured I came to the conclusion that I should only post when I actually had something interesting to post about. No longer did I want to bother you wonderful people with my thoughts of self-pity, game ideas which would never make it past the phase of being just another idea, or madlibs written about Cyrus and adult toys (I seriously have no clue what made me think of these things).

It wasn't just here, but everywhere throughout the internet. I don't feel it necessary to post about a lot of things these days because I don't deem them as very interesting for a bunch people to read - I've got IRC and Skype to fulfill my daily quota of ramblings.

I don't really know what I'm trying to accomplish with this blog, but hey… I guess I posted some random ramblings! Everything I stated above is clearly a bundle of lies!


DesertFox 8 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Rez
I am a coniferous eggplant

You are a coniferous eggplant

We are all coniferous eggplant

Astryl 8 years, 11 months ago

You are a coniferous eggplant

I was a spiny succulent once.

Gift of Death 8 years, 11 months ago

You are a coniferous eggplant
I was a spiny succulent once.
We were all cacti once.

Omega_Squid 8 years, 11 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 11 months ago

shitposting isn't bad. shitposting is better than no posting. plus it depends on how you take shitposting… it's happening cause the issue in question was addressed. hence any post that goes past the issue is "shit"

also bring back the 64D rpg b/c fuck ur IRC. rpg is way better cause we level up and shit. where did that go

Rez 8 years, 11 months ago

I'm sorry. The phrase vociferous leach instantly made me think coniferous eggplant and I had to let it out.

This diarrhea of the mouth is precisely the reason why I've commented less.

Omega_Squid 8 years, 11 months ago

Quote: Omega_Squid
I am a vociferous leach

Implied that I am loud and take from the community. I thought it was in context considering the blog's content.

Carry on. –_(0-0)_–

Rez 8 years, 11 months ago

yeah, I feel you and I didn't take your comment in a spiteful tone. It's important to strike a balance between playful shitposting and relentless derailment. I definitely see the concern that shitposting signals apathy and keeps the site dead.