The Calm Before the Next-Gen Storm

Posted by RabbidMickeyMouse on July 27, 2006, 4:42 p.m.

I don't know about other people, but after the dust had settled from E3, it seems that this summer may be one of the few calms we'll see for a while.

While we await November for the big showdowns, news trickles in about what companies are developing for who, or how well (or how badly) companies are doing before we see them in full motion, competing against one another. Nothing that’s changing much discussion after E3.

In order to optimize this time gamers have to themselves, that is, without constantly being ready to absorb what certain publishing companies, or development teams are ready to announce, or what Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo feel about each other’s marketing strategies, this summer is a great time to head out to a retail store and buy from the current, soon to be old, generation.

Six years provided a lot of great games to play, and all the while, when games debut, buying most of them is a challenge, because $50 is average. Now, those same games go for $20 or even less. Prime time to invest. So I say to gamers around : Buy yourself that game you wanted, yet opted for something else, and play as much of what will soon enough be seen as retro. Games won't get much better until the next-generation, and they certainly wont be sold for the prices we're seeing on cerrent-gen games.


RabbidMickeyMouse 18 years, 5 months ago

The Wii certainly appears to be the cheapest investment, however being the safest is a matter of ever knowing whether motion sensored gaming will become popular off the bat.

And don't worry, MirrorAura, I'll try to keep my blog original.

blueBX 18 years, 5 months ago

Wii. I already pre-ordered LOZ:Twilight Princess

ultim8p00 18 years, 5 months ago

The wii will pwn all.

Sony is going to loose if it doesnt shape up

Wii+360 for me

Joewoof 18 years, 5 months ago

Looks like more people are looking forward to Wii than anything else. I'm thinking about getting one too.

Xxypher 18 years, 5 months ago