|| The Macabre || = Classes Update

Posted by Rambopvp on Jan. 31, 2008, 9:08 p.m.

So far the playable classes in my work in progress are:

The Illusionist

Fairly weak physically, but can conjure illusions as minions who aid The Illusionist combat hostiles and hallucinations which afflict enemies in various different ways such as paralysis or causing harm in general.

This class is inspired by the well known character of John Defoe in the Chzo Mythos series made by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.

The Keeper

Armed with a corrupted runeblade, full plate armour and the ability to manipulate the line between life and death, The Keeper is a melee/caster hybrid capable of close combat as well as reanimating the dead and infusing his attacks with a shadowy hatred.

This class is inspired by the well known character of Prince Arthas in the Warcraft III PC game made by Blizzard Entertainment.

The Alchemist

Only The Alchemist can fully utilize the various reagents available in all the different worlds. His huge array of potions range from the lycanthropy elixir, which turns him into a werewolf, to the standard exploding potion, which can be thrown long distances at approaching foes.

This class is inspired by no one. It's a purely fictional character made up by me and possibly with the aid of my close friends.

The Foreigner

This mysterious mercenary has the god forsaken powers to manipulate the fabric of existence, causing massive fluctuations of improbability. All enemies should think again when approaching The Foreigner, who can use his abilities to materialize weaponry and ammunitions for his use and even break the laws of physics to perform impossible feats.

This class is inspired by the well known character of Trilby in the Chzo Mythos series and Art of Theft games made by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.

The Sadist

Once a regular woman, The Sadist is the tragic victim of a demonic sacrifice gone wrong. The results of which the entity Nevermore now possesses the body. The Sadist is able to fight with an unnatural cunning and ruthlessness, but has the potential for much more. Do not anger this advisory, for she is known to phase from human to demonic form when in a bloodlust.

This class is inspired by the not so well known character of Ardelia Lortz in the short story The Library Policeman by Stephen King.

– ruhtrA

EDIT: The Keeper's avatar was touched up slightly since original entry.


PY 17 years ago

I think the dark works.

Looks very neat.

Cesque 17 years ago


Never played Chzo Mythos - I'm not a big adventure games fun, with the sole exception of The Neverhood.

F1ak3r 17 years ago

Chzo Mythos. Best. Adventure series. Ever.

I'm gonna follow this.

Theodore III 17 years ago

Wow everyone likes your work, and its just the avatars atm =D

Requiem 17 years ago

Hard to see, but that might just be because of the BLAZING WHITE background on these pages.

Casshern 17 years ago

lol i'm sure they saw the screenies of the illusionist in the previous blog?

Vezper 17 years ago

The foreginer looks great ^^