[Rambopvp] Grimoire v1.0 completed!

Posted by Rambopvp on Jan. 20, 2010, 1:46 a.m.

Title: Grimoire

Version: 1.0

Genre: Alternative SHMUP

Type: W.I.P.


"King Solomon was said to have evoked and confined seventy two demons that he obliged to work for him."

Grimoire is a SHMUP (top down shoot-em-up) work in progress with a gameplay twist. Instead of the usual spam of bullets akin to a giant laser beam, you are required to snipe your targets carefully.

Gameplay revolves around the attack buttons Q, W, E, A, D, Z, X and C.

S key conjures a temporary shield for absorbing projectiles.

Arrow keys for movement.

To encourage sniping in the game I have developed a points system where you lose points if you miss and gain points if you hit your targets.

Version 1.0 has been made within 8 days of working on it on and off, and features a half operational menu system I plan to improve, one level of gameplay and a boss for that level.

– Rambopvp




You might be wondering why I'm putting everything about this game on my blog instead of uploading it as a game. The reason is that apparently the file manager craps out whenever you try to upload any single file that's bigger than 2mbs, and my game is bigger than 2mbs.

So I've decided to put it all here until this is fixed, which it hopefully will.

Found loophole for above problem (upload to file manager via URL thus having ridiculous file names as a side effect).

Download links are:



– Rambopvp (ruhtrA that was)


Zaron 15 years ago

While it's easy enough to see and understand what the controls do, I'm finding myself far too trained with WASD to remember Q and E are for the diagonal shots. The sniping mechanic is creative, but unless someone is really skilled in curtain fire games they probably aren't going to be too comfortable getting right up in the enemy's face as they're spewing and endless stream of bullets. That said, it gave me a pretty hard time.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of this so far, but the concept is fairly original, so you get points for that.

Ferret 15 years ago

ok, as Zaron said, it's original. Now thats a good thing, but what it's original in is the way the that "shooting" is set up as. The controls on the other hand, qweadzxc are not in a square and it can be hard to hit the button you want, I ended up just spamming qwe. I love how you keep the game difficult and fast and forcing you to open blockades and get up close to a bullet spewing space ship without making it impossible to survive. It's a good game, but in my opinion movement controls and shooting controls should switch (or make that a setting) most people are used to moving with wasd and the arrows can work diagonally too, but obviously you won't be able to spam lasers that are next to each other (I think it's for the better). This game is well made and has good spriting too, I'd like to see it again.

Zaron 15 years ago

Since when was two megs a big download? :/ Srsly.

Control switching might work. honestly, I wouldn't mind this using a gamepad to have analog input so that you aim with one stick and move with the other, and then hit a button to shoot where you're aiming. Honestly, I think that would be a lot more intuitive.

At least, I *think* GM supports two sticks… meh.

Granted, the resulting mouse-based scheme for anyone lacking a dual-analog pad, or any pad at all, would probably be… undesirable. So I'm really having a trick of a time figuring out how to make this less of a clumsy play, seeing as the genre is all about precision… and I do like this idea, as I've said.

Thus two pointlessly long comments on it, probably.

Scott_AW 15 years ago

I like the concept, I'll check it out at home tonight.

Toadsanime 15 years ago

Looks awesome, downloading it now.

Scott_AW 15 years ago

Well the controls did make it difficult, you should move the shield button away from the shooting buttons. Maybe even increase the range of the attack and make it a circular area around the ship instead of a box.

Otherwise I liked it, but do to the controls, it became frustrating.