Well, the reactions to TTD have been interesting to say the least.
When you're working solo on something you kind of just have to trust your instincts. Is it fun? Is it too easy? Too hard?Ultimately I think it's human nature to include the features that YOU like to see in a game, the tweaks that YOU wish they had made in the last few you played.For example, I really like keyboard shortcuts, like in Starcraft there's one for nearly every action. So a lot of extra time was spent on making kb shortcuts in TTD.There's been some very encouraging comments, but the two biggest complaints are that it's too hard, and difficult to figure out. Altering the diff level is fairly easy. The other one, not so much. I tried making a tutorial early on, and put it off because it was so stinking hard.So I am working on a tutorial, as well as a long list of others things that will be improved for version 1.1.Is feedback a good thing?Yes.But it's also a b*tch!Feedback Payback
Posted by Reek on Sept. 12, 2008, 7:11 a.m.
[deleted user]
16 years, 4 months ago
There's been some very encouraging comments, but the two biggest complaints are that it's too hard, and difficult to figure out.