<font color=#0099FF>Ratings.</font>

Posted by Requiem on July 19, 2007, 4:26 a.m.

Those of you who don't use 64digits while blindfolded have probably noticed that today, I got a little bored and decided "Hey, I should play with the rating system!".

Anyway, ratings are now displayed in a 1-decimal-place format, ie, 7.4 instead of 7. I figure that allows for a bit more accuracy with figuring out just how much people like your game. You'll also notice games don't recieve a rating until they have at least 5 votes, I find this helps establish a decent average. Finally, viewing a game list by Rating actually lists the games in the right order now.

Oh, and another thing. Staff members can now view the ratings you've given with your comments. Example:

<img src=JakeX/commentexample.png>

So don't even think about trying to get away with slipping 1/10 ratings into a comments like "This is cool.". Because we will find them. And you will get your ass warned.

And finally, Aplus has coded this incredibly nifty system that will automatically add and remove games to the FrontPage, so we can accept games as soon as we can (or feel like), and they'll appear on the front when there's some free space.



s 17 years, 7 months ago


What about stuff like ya know,making dups for(I assume,but since votes are held secret…)voting?

Nighthawk 17 years, 7 months ago

Awesome! You should make those viewable by all though.

Crane-ium 17 years, 7 months ago

What if you accidentally rated the game something else? Like you meant to press 8, but you pressed 7 on accident and didn't notice. I sometimes do that (but catch myself) when I go on a game rating binge.

Flea1991 17 years, 7 months ago

Hehe, nice job, Jake (God).

And, Ashley, you're god-like, too.

Arcalyth 17 years, 7 months ago

Nonetheless, I congratulate you Jake, for you added something that all the other mods were too lazy to make lol.

1) No server access.

2) v3.

HeroofTime55 17 years, 7 months ago

Arc, V3 is never comming out, and you know it.

Snakeman 17 years, 7 months ago

The color of this blog title is slightly darker than the last. <_<

RetroVortex 17 years, 7 months ago

The rating system is pretty cool!

Keep up the good work!

FireflyX 17 years, 7 months ago

Hows about you can see what people have rated your game but nobody else (besides staff) can see it?

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

Kill me nao. I've spent 5 hours on a bus and I'm about to spend another 3 ¬_¬