The title pretty much says it all!I'm taking a brief break from revision to make this blog, and read a few other blogs.Stupid exams! They make me miss out on the good stuff!As you can see I've made a new banner and… OH GOSH! it reveals my REAL name!Oh well, not as if I care anyway, its not as if you know my address and are plotting to stalk/rape me…I think the picture isn't so bad. Try to guess the games the pictures are from…. (or at least resemble…[:O])GM wise, I'm not doing so great. Haven't had time to start anything but the ideas are there. I might just make a game when half term shows itself, or at least start one, (although I won't be making my own graphics, it just takes too long!), maybe a minigame with Mario or Megaman in it, something small, not important.So don't go flaming me!As you can see I haven't made anything in months! That doesn't do so well for motivation, but this happens to everyone at some point!(Its not as if we can all be JakeXs and DarkSirruses)I'm sorry I don't have anything particulary humerous, or even random in this blog as I usually do, this exam thing is really sapping away my carefree spirit!Talk to me!EDIT: Here's a cute little pic of my devil cat called MerlinPlease fix my brain.
Posted by RetroVortex on May 25, 2007, 2:17 a.m.
I love that picture! [:D]
How about this one?
Awww… poor kitty…[:(]
My body turns people to stone! [:(]
My body asplodes eyeballs… I is going to the mall naked tomorrow. :o
I also have oodles of exams and revisions =/
At least it'll all be over within the month =DI have exam today!
NOOO!Oh well, Its only my business case study paper. Its got to be the easiest business exam, as it replaces courseworkThe BCS multiple choice exam has to be the easiest exam ever, the questions are like this:
This is some text <- XIs the text labelled X:A) ItalicB) BoldC) UnderlinedD) Dual core processor