The title pretty much says it all!I'm taking a brief break from revision to make this blog, and read a few other blogs.Stupid exams! They make me miss out on the good stuff!As you can see I've made a new banner and… OH GOSH! it reveals my REAL name!Oh well, not as if I care anyway, its not as if you know my address and are plotting to stalk/rape me…I think the picture isn't so bad. Try to guess the games the pictures are from…. (or at least resemble…[:O])GM wise, I'm not doing so great. Haven't had time to start anything but the ideas are there. I might just make a game when half term shows itself, or at least start one, (although I won't be making my own graphics, it just takes too long!), maybe a minigame with Mario or Megaman in it, something small, not important.So don't go flaming me!As you can see I haven't made anything in months! That doesn't do so well for motivation, but this happens to everyone at some point!(Its not as if we can all be JakeXs and DarkSirruses)I'm sorry I don't have anything particulary humerous, or even random in this blog as I usually do, this exam thing is really sapping away my carefree spirit!Talk to me!EDIT: Here's a cute little pic of my devil cat called MerlinPlease fix my brain.
Posted by RetroVortex on May 25, 2007, 2:17 a.m.
If only my school would allow us such simple exams!
Live in England,eh?
It's D marbs. F'in noobs.
@serpex: Yes, unfortunately…
makes it worse that I'm in a grammar school!I'm actually expected to achieve! (NOOOO!)@Kaz: OHMAGODRIGHTANSWERWINMILLIONDOLLARFORJOO!Yes he is sleeping, YES he is waiting but my IS turned
Spazal > Merlin