Almost ready...

Posted by RetroVortex on July 19, 2007, 11:56 a.m.

I'm not far from finishing the first level of my game!

I've done most of the background, (and it looks pretty sweet so far)

But I've also added a new element to the game:


To unleash this devastating attack, all you have to do is hold the C key for a second or two, and WHAM! you ship flies across the screen and kills everything it touches, but there are a few catches:

- after the attack you are prone to getting hit while you move back into position.

-you are prone to getting hit when you charge up for it, (some enemies can move pretty quick)

- it takes the longest to recharge

EDIT: Here a screenie just for you:

(and if your wondering, the islands in the background is actually a long looping stip of little islands I made)

(oh and its a big screenie, as I was playing it in full screen mode)

Another cool thing, is that when a missile or charge attack recharges, your ship will make a sound that tells you that it has recharged, (a metal clunk for missiles, and a low bleep for the charge attack)

So far you can use 3 powerups:

- RED: Spread fire (you fire 3 bullets in different directions)

- BLUE: Sheild (you can take an extra hit before losing a life)

- GREEN: Quickfire (you shoot twice as many bullets and you recharge your other attacks quicker)

And hopefully, if I can get it to work properly, I'll also have the best powerup:

- ORANGE: HOMING MISSILES! (do more damage and attack the nearest object)

The problem I'm having with the missile, is that it attacks the enemies in order of creation, rather than the closest one.

If anyone can point me to a good homing example, I would greatly appreciate it! [:D]

All I have to do now is make a boss, and get those damn missiles to work properly!


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 7 months ago

My eyes! Did you have to use maximum saturation for everything?

RetroVortex 17 years, 7 months ago

What can I say..

I like my colors! [:D]

s 17 years, 7 months ago

Make the red-yellow particles start at a low alpha,or(inclusive)make them fade faster

KaBob799 17 years, 7 months ago

A code I stole from someone like 2 years ago =p its probably a really crappy way of doing it

nearest_type1 = instance_nearest(x,y,SHTL1)

nearest_type2 = instance_nearest(x,y,object1)

nearest_type3 = instancn_nearest(x,y,shiper)




if a<=b and a<=c


else if b<=c




then just move towards objective

RetroVortex 17 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for the script.

It should work hopefully…

and thanks for the heads-up serprex! I've toned down the alpha on the effects, (I also improved the other effects too, as I prefer to use cartoony disk explosions than the built in explosion effect, (as that effect sucks… and doesn't fit the style)

s 17 years, 7 months ago

When I say tone down alpha,I really mean make it more alpha

AKA,those particles are way to obnoxious,so fade them out faster

RetroVortex 17 years, 7 months ago

I got what you meant..

I increased the alpha.

I'm not some n00b ya know…

@bob799: I'm having a problem with that script..

I don't think you can have an object move towards a variable…

(I've tried various ways to get it to work, but the results are the same…fail!)

Don't worry about it too much though….

After all that is what the yoyogames help forum is for anyway…

s 17 years, 7 months ago

I nvr said that,I simply am failing to understand you.Probably my fault,since I'm not even staying consistent

KaBob799 17 years, 7 months ago



move towards those then

RetroVortex 17 years, 7 months ago

I know. It just seems we have a bit of communication problem here…

So lets drop it and move on. K?