Work, work, work...

Posted by RetroVortex on Sept. 19, 2007, 2:03 p.m.

Hello to you all once again.

I, RetroVortex return to the digits of sixty four to tell ye about stuff…

So whats new:

- Started sixth form (doing A levels at school, basically.)

I'm studying English, Biology, Chemistry, and Business Studies.

Its not so bad so far, you get 50 minuite periods to study. and the lessons are always interesting, (because you choose the subject you want!), but fairly difficult.

Currently doing Business Studies homework, (which is research, tough difficult research…), but I decided to take a break to talk to you all again! [:D]

- Going to use GM again hopefully

Well I certainly got a good idea: a RPG board game hybrid. Think of it as Dungeons and Dragons mixed with Mario Party, but minus the multiplayer, and a few of my own ideas thrown in (like having your equipment affecting the type minigames you play, how to fight board bosses, ect)

Once I finish planning how the game works ect, I'll start on it, (if I get any spare time that is)

If I can learn it, I would love to use 39Dll for online play, (maybe have a really hard co-op mode, or a competative race across a board/boards)

but the likelyhood of that happining will be low, as its quite confusing for me, and I'm pretty busy with school work (these Grammar Schools aren't known for easy work and long deadlines!)

Well I'll have to finish this blog now, as my break is not going to be long.

I've got work to do!


eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

Business. D:

Chemistry. D:

Biology. D:

I really don't like Science. English is a brilliant choice though. :] Is it Language or Literature? Or both?

RetroVortex 17 years, 5 months ago

Literature. But I did both for my GCSE

I got an A* in English Language, but ironically, I only got a B in my English literature.

But my coursework was A* for both!

(I just fail at exams!)

eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

Aah. I'm doing Literature too. :D

I got an A in Lit and a B in Language at GCSE. Ironically, in my mock GCSEs, I got an A in Language and a D in Lit. xD

RetroVortex 17 years, 5 months ago

English Tis a funny subject xD

Nathan 17 years, 5 months ago

You made the same mistake I made. Buisness Studies. That is the worst subject ever, I hope you survive :|

RetroVortex 17 years, 5 months ago

Oooh God! You know how to give a man confidence Nathan!

But I think I can manage…

but if I can't then its bye bye after AS!

Tasm 17 years, 5 months ago

Chemistry FTW.

PY 17 years, 5 months ago

Physics FTW. Though you didn't take it…

RetroVortex 17 years, 5 months ago

Physics was just too boring for me,

I prefer the other 2 sciences.

Rob 17 years, 5 months ago
