Looking back...

Posted by RetroVortex on April 14, 2008, 6:15 p.m.

Wow! I was just looking at the last big project I was working on, and I realised it has been a very long time since I've worked on something big, (My last release was in December…. of 2006!!).

I think that maybe I should toy around with GM tomorrow, and see if I can make something interesting…

I think my problem with making games, for me, is self-confidence.

I usually give up on something because I believe that I won't be able to unleash its full potential.

I mean let's take a look at my last big project I mentioned earlier: Pilot

I planned this game to offer two unique experiences in one package.

I wanted the freedom of the arcadey jump-in mission based gameplay, but I also wanted the close-ended, choose your path styled adventure shooter.

I see now that I probably would never be able to do all of that.

Maybe I should've worked less on the polish, (which for that project I pushed it to my limits), and more on a plan.

In fact I aim to make a playable game within the end of this week!

I'm going to try something I never done before, and that is planning and target setting.

In fact I'm going to set myself some limits:

- The game must be simple to play

- The game must have a unique element of play

- The game must have simple, yet well designed graphics

- I am only allowed to work on graphics for one day

- I am only allowed to work on the engine for a maximum of two days

- I am only allowed one day of polishing and bug fixing

- It must be an arcade game

- It must have some form of replayablilty

- It must have a simple plot

- I am allowed a maximum of 10 obstacles

- Difficulty must be time based

Hopefully If this is successful, (which I doubt…), I will try more projects like this, and who knows, maybe I'll have a decent sized Games section, (and possibly, I could actually call myself a "game maker"! XD)

Other news: I got Mario Kart Wii!!

It is sooooo awesome!!

Hard though… I've comepleted 50 and 100CC. Only got 150 and probably Mirror left to do…


Cesar 16 years, 9 months ago


why is it you guys got Mario Kart Wii already?

You don't even have Brawl yet >_>

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, we do have MKWii

Josea 16 years, 9 months ago

I'm waiting for MKWii to get Brawl, stupid shops selling games for $150.

SixWinged 16 years, 9 months ago

MKWii at the end of the month me me :D. Then I shall have Brawl and MK. >=D. And Rawrspoon, you can't complain, for once Europe gets something before USA and everyone complains about it >______>.