RA - YoYo Games

Posted by RhysAndrews on Jan. 27, 2007, 8:03 a.m.

As I have my connections, I've known about the YoYo Games "movement" since quite a while before they announced it. I could well assume it would shake and break the GMC. The reason why, is because there's just too many fools on the GMC who want to make accusations and conclusions on the YYG Service before they even know much about it! Firstly, though Mark had clearly explained that there won't be any more money being requested to be taken out of your pocket, the GMC recieves pages and pages of replies about people thinking that YoYo Games is going to mean costing extra to use GameMaker - such as having to buy it to use it at all, etc…

No matter how much people would respond "Mark has explained - this is at no extra cost", these people kept whinging about it. FINALLY, Mark made it clear once again, and they stopped breeding the rumour. But oh no, now they're starting up another stupid rumour - "YoYo Games will put spyware and adware into GameMaker". What idiot is stupid enough to think that? I am 100% convinced that there's a few people out there making things up to get the GMC shaken. I'm getting sick of this! If people don't have good feelings about YYG, then don't use it when it comes out! It's not going to affect the GMC much at all, so stop whinging. We appreciate your opinion and all, but if you're expressing it in a way that you've already concluded how YYG will work before it has actually been released… you're just narrow-minded.

I well understand a lot of you hate the GMC, and a lot of you are angry with Mark about GM7. But I'm sure most of you at least have the common courtesy of looking around for evidence before making judgements. Check out what some fool wrote:
This is just really a bad thing. We will have to pay twice as more as now, there will be adware and viruses in GM, our creations will surely be taken from us and distributed as Yoyo Games products. Also GML will become harder and therefore Game Maker will lose its purpose as an easy game creation tool. Mark, you really disappointed me.
Keep in mind, we've made it clear that there'll be no changes in costs, and YoYo Games isn't touching GameMaker… Also, he's saying this in full confidence before everyone even knows exactly how YYG will work. I mean come on. This is becoming rediculous.

So please, express your opinion on the YYG "movement" here - but state some good reasons as to why you're for or against it - and judge on good accounts, not on lame rumours spread by idiots on the GMC. I'd love to hear you opinions.



Bryan 18 years ago

If people are whining that much. I guess that someone didn't explain it proper….

I don't even know what YoYoGames is going to do.. I'm not making stupid posts about it anyways =)

Jext 18 years ago

Omg, these people are just plain paranoid really! I think it's a good thing, because SandyD was head of Microsoft's Xbox division in Europe, and I don't think he would fuck GM up. Besides, like you said, no-one is forcing anyone to use the newer versions.

RhysAndrews 18 years ago

Oh, maybe I should state my opinion. I know Sandy, and I know Mark - I've spoken to them both about this, and I am involved in the project. I know for a fact that Mark cares for the community and is trying to solve the many issues it has. I believe we are taking a good step - because for the games that deserve to get known, YYG is the bridge across. YoYo Games will be a lot like Youtube, but for games made with GameMaker - with the same purpose as GreatGamesExperiment (or similar). YYG won't be interfering with Game Maker itself, except for the publish feature. There'll be no extra costs involved, and thus Yo Yo Games is pretty much working just like any other GM Community (such as 64Digits), except Mark has invested into it and made it an official community.


Flea1991 18 years ago

I like the whole idea, I see it to be a step in the right direction.

It's going to be awesome getting to publish our games in a showcase. ;)

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

Perhaps the mods should just warn every user that posts a topic and ban repeat offenders.

Quote: Febuary 2006

And at once, in perfect unison all the noobs and 'tards in the GMC were instantly squished beneath the soles of Chronic's Ban-Mech

twisterghost 18 years ago

Meh, I don't know how to feel about it.

To be honest, one of the reasons I like 64D so much is because it is out of the way of everyone I know in real life.

If YoYo Games does what Mark claims it will do an populate GM more, that wouldn't be too good. I like being the only person I know of that uses GM.

Also, with the publish thing, that can be abused as hell, unless they have a game mod system or something like we do. Maybe just a vote for getting rid of a game, which can also be abused >_>

I wish I could see a good thing about it. I am actually angry that I cant find this to be a good thing.

Josea 18 years ago

I personally like the idea, now there will be more resources for Game Maker, an as far I understood, GM's development will be faster, meaning more improvements to make it more powerful >=D

I really don't care much about the game "publishing" features at YYG website, there are enough sites made for this purpose, and are quite good for my current needs.

Phil Steele 18 years ago

I see no problem with it, as far as I've seen Mark made it pretty dam clear Game Maker is his creation and they won't be messing with it.

elmernite 18 years ago

Will they filter out the bad games? (by bad, I ment qualty wise)

Will there be some standard of excepting games or will they except them all?


flashback 18 years ago

I don't like that Mark specifically targeted GMG and 64digits in his description, but then again, he WAS replying to someone who used GMG and 64digits as examples in their posts, so it makes sense…