RA - YoYo Games

Posted by RhysAndrews on Jan. 27, 2007, 8:03 a.m.

As I have my connections, I've known about the YoYo Games "movement" since quite a while before they announced it. I could well assume it would shake and break the GMC. The reason why, is because there's just too many fools on the GMC who want to make accusations and conclusions on the YYG Service before they even know much about it! Firstly, though Mark had clearly explained that there won't be any more money being requested to be taken out of your pocket, the GMC recieves pages and pages of replies about people thinking that YoYo Games is going to mean costing extra to use GameMaker - such as having to buy it to use it at all, etc…

No matter how much people would respond "Mark has explained - this is at no extra cost", these people kept whinging about it. FINALLY, Mark made it clear once again, and they stopped breeding the rumour. But oh no, now they're starting up another stupid rumour - "YoYo Games will put spyware and adware into GameMaker". What idiot is stupid enough to think that? I am 100% convinced that there's a few people out there making things up to get the GMC shaken. I'm getting sick of this! If people don't have good feelings about YYG, then don't use it when it comes out! It's not going to affect the GMC much at all, so stop whinging. We appreciate your opinion and all, but if you're expressing it in a way that you've already concluded how YYG will work before it has actually been released… you're just narrow-minded.

I well understand a lot of you hate the GMC, and a lot of you are angry with Mark about GM7. But I'm sure most of you at least have the common courtesy of looking around for evidence before making judgements. Check out what some fool wrote:
This is just really a bad thing. We will have to pay twice as more as now, there will be adware and viruses in GM, our creations will surely be taken from us and distributed as Yoyo Games products. Also GML will become harder and therefore Game Maker will lose its purpose as an easy game creation tool. Mark, you really disappointed me.
Keep in mind, we've made it clear that there'll be no changes in costs, and YoYo Games isn't touching GameMaker… Also, he's saying this in full confidence before everyone even knows exactly how YYG will work. I mean come on. This is becoming rediculous.

So please, express your opinion on the YYG "movement" here - but state some good reasons as to why you're for or against it - and judge on good accounts, not on lame rumours spread by idiots on the GMC. I'd love to hear you opinions.



eagly 18 years ago

It sounds like a good plan to me. It will help out Mark quite a bit and improve on the amount of help people can get. I also think it will bring more users to Game Maker. :)

omicron1 18 years ago

Finally! With more people working on GM, we might get such things as compiled code, better 3d support, new functionality, and professional help for new users! Things like the pixel shaders that GearGod's been calling for might just happen with this new help. Plus, imagine the distribution and publication possibilities - GM games for sale through a service similar to Reflexive Arcade. We could have a great opportunity for exposure for our games. We might even be able to sell them. And, with professionals weeding through them, perhaps fewer newbiefest games would get through the sieve.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

My respect for the people of the GMC was in the toilet. Now, that toilet has been flushed.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years ago

omicron1, you're a retard!

Didn't you read it. Noone else is messing with GM, they are just offering a distribution service.

firestormx 18 years ago

lmfao at the quote.

Anyway, I'm sad that it's likely to wipe out many communities.

It's an awesome idea, but now it's going to become more of a monopoly. Especialy if it becomes like the GGE. Plus they've got a dev team, so any feature that we're likely to think up before them, will likely be done by their dev team before we even get around to release it. :(

My opinion is slightly biased due to the fact that it'll likely draw away from my visitors, but whatever, not like I'm getting anything out of the visitors. XD

Arcalyth 18 years ago

I'm getting sick of this! If people don't have good feelings about YYG, then don't use it when it comes out!

Careful what you say, Rhys.

omicron1 18 years ago

ghg, read what MO said. There are now additional people working on GM. That means more features per version.

Kaz 18 years ago

Seems cool, wonder what this partnership will do for GM in the future.

Andy 18 years ago

It is only realistic for people (who don’t understand it fully) to worry at first. It is a major change in the history of Game Maker. I am very happy because I feel that if something happens to stop Mark from work, YoYo Games can keep Game Maker alive.

GMmarine 18 years ago

Maybe people will actualy listen to you Rhys. People who complain about GM7 and are spreading rumors can kiss my @$$. I swear GM users are going to regret complaining if Mark stops work on GM because people are ******.