RA - Girls Galore

Posted by RhysAndrews on Feb. 8, 2007, 6:03 a.m.

Seems quite a few people are talking about girls in their blogs this time of year - guess it's human breeding season. To tell the truth, this is the annoying part of the year, because I get a lot of immature girls starting to like me… for some weird reason it's always during this time of year. Now, I ain't bragging, I'm not proud of the fact I sometimes have a few girls who have the hots for me.. just stating it as it is.

To tell the truth, I feel if I am to go out with someone, preferably a girl, it needs to be someone I consider a companion and I deeply love. I'm just sick and tired of the immature so-called 'love' that goes around my school throughout the year. People date, talk for 5 minutes, then kiss, break their own beds the same night for unstated reasons, and then breaking the guys bed (or a hotel bed) together the second night. That's not love, that's lust. I ain't going to go into some big complaint about it all, I guess that's just how some people enjoy their lives. I personally would rather wait till I leave school before I start dating a girl - I'm not saying I won't go out with someone before I do leave school, it's very possible - but I'm very particular with dating… I ain't going to just date a girl because she has big boobies and goes to the shopping plaza every weekend to buy a new wardrobe of clothes.

So this year, we got a new girl come to my school. We've only just started school, and already she told the big-mouth she finds me attractive, and has started asking this big-mouth questions about me… well, this guy unfortunately does the wrong things with good intentions. He starts talking to her a lot about my life - the time I saved him from suspension when he punched me in the stomach, how I study music and guitar, and how I am particularly experienced with computers… I would hope my nerdiness would turn her off, but she seems even more interested. Fact is, she's based all this interest in me based on my looks - so that's one thing I don't like about her…

So the big-mouth starts trying to hook me up with her, thinking I actually have the same thoughts about her as she does to me… which I clearly don't. And he does it in the most immature way possible - drags her to my group and is like "so, what type of music do you guys like?" - and she answers as what seemed to be rehearsed comment "Oh I love music, I go home turn on my computer and.. gah, i'm obsessed with it" - thats the longest thing I've ever heard her say, she's heck shy. And so, to prove i'm not exactly interested, I kind of go straight to the point and say "Ok, well in most cases like this everyone pretends that the meeting happens coincidentally - but I may as well go straight to the point and say this guy is dying to get me hooked up with you.", and GAAAAH It was a really annoying lunchtime.

So yeah, then we shagged. No, we didn't. I didn't speak to her again, and don't plan to. The big-mouth actually made her chances with me worse, because he's made her friggin too shy to speak to me, and I don't particularly care to talk to her either. Then tonight, I've been getting tons of school-mates on MSN going "aaah you have a girlfriend she's so hot"… *sigh*. So there's my girly story.


Rhys Andrews


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

So yeah, then we shagged. No, we didn't. I didn't speak to her again, and don't plan to
Nice, very nice.

If you want my advice (you probably don't, but here it is anyway), girls in high school don't know what they want. They take the feelings the go with friendships being lost and people betraying them and gossip going around… all of the things that hurt them, and they turn it into this portrayal of loneliness, so that they feel they need to find someone right away or their fragile mind will fall into depression when they realize that they have no true friends.

So they turn to guys, and once they find one that feels anything toward them, they latch on quick and pretend it's some magical event, like they've found the one person that understands them and won't do anything wrong to them. That normally doesn't last long, but it's alright because usually they have no problem finding another guy within a month of breaking up with the last.

A lot of guys play that game all too much. It takes a powerful will to not take part in all of that foolishness.

Amarin 18 years ago

Quote: SJF
A lot of guys play that game all too much. It takes a powerful will to not take part in all of that foolishness.

Yeah, it's true. And besides, all the hot ones are taken. D=

shawn 18 years ago

You sound like one of them SJF. Me? Nah. I'm happy with my social life as it is. Got plenty of friends, and laddy friends too. Not going to bomb that with something as stressful as girlfriends.

Good Luck RA. Try and come out of it alive Mmmkay?

Dr_Eechmen 18 years ago

I agree with you on your views of dating… I care more about having a lasting relationship, and a good one, than a 'short and sweet' one.

E-Magination 18 years ago

Women act this way because it's close to valentines day, duh.

frenchcon1 18 years ago

Quote: profile
age: 15

i would have been very surprise if you has shagged XD

OL 18 years ago



Josea 18 years ago

A lot of guys play that game all too much. It takes a powerful will to not take part in all of that foolishness.
Yep, it does, specially when you need to take all the immature comments your friends do.

Extravisual 18 years ago

Love… There is no such thing.

Care to hear about the love life of somebody your age?

It all started with the meeting, then it proceeded to the clean hypothetical questioning, then the actual asking out, then… Nothing at all. The fact is that high school girls are the most confusing people on the face of the planet. They somehow manage to latch on and keep their distance at the same time. So overall I think the best way to go about high school romance is the shallow way: get sex. You will have plenty of time for actual dating when you are out of school, right now you should focus on the ability to get girls, and not on the actual dating of them.

But yeah, just my thoughts.

TwistyWristy 18 years ago

People date, talk for 5 minutes…
…they latch on quick and pretend it's some magical event…
I agree with you both in that regard but I also believe that in some cases, there's sometimes a 'magical spark, an instant connection when you like someone as soon as you meet them.

This happened to me; I had just met a girl and their was something about her that made me instantly like her.

I knew for certain after I really got to know her because I too am soemone who takes relationships seriously.

A lot of guys play that game all too much. It takes a powerful will to not take part in all of that foolishness.
Bam, the magic word.

To most, all it is a game, something to do because 'everyone else does it' and to not have a girl/boy you're considered 'out of the game'.

And the 'winner' of the game is the one who hooks the hottest partner, 'shags' him/her and personality and intelligence (if any) is just an added bonuses.

There are a few who do not take it as a game, but treat itas something serious, who actually get to know one another before delving deeper into a relationship.

The funny thing is I think people do a lot better when they are really young (i.e six/seven) and they 'love' someone.

Now, this may not be true, but it seems to me that they like the other person for who they are more so than how 'cute' they are.
