Video Games are Evil.

Posted by RhysAndrews on April 26, 2006, 1:04 a.m.

Yes, thats' right. Games are evil today.

Today you look at any game on Xbox360 or PC or whatever, and you fall in love with it right-a-way. No, it's not love, it's lust. Game Designers focus on nothing but graphics these days. People go wow that's awesome, buy it, play it until they're bored of the graphics, then it's never seen again. That's lust.

What about the love of Classic Gaming? Where'd Lemmings go? Where'd friggin Cruise for a Corpse or all those old Simpsons Games or Willy Beamish go? Those were the games that you'd buy, and play until you've finished the game over and over. They didn't focus on good sound or amazing 2D-pixelated-graphics, they focused on gameplay. I'm pissed off with commercial games these days. I still get tempted to buy one because it's lust, temptation… But I don't, because 90% of those games are just eye-candy.


Firebird 18 years, 10 months ago

It makes me want another Deus Ex.

Alpha Man 18 years, 10 months ago

Harvest moon Alpha Man? No comment.

Play the damn game before saying something like that. Play the FIRST one for the SNES, then MM for GC.

scooternew 18 years, 9 months ago

This is true in some sense, but with the new generation of video game consoles and technology (1080i TV's will be in every home soon), beautiful graphics are a "must" - they highten the realism of the game. Of cousre modern day games will have great graphics…but that is because they are modern day, not because that is all they have to offer. Of course there are those games that suck and have good graphics, but there are also those that have good graphics AND gameplay.

Oblivion, Final Fantasy, Halo 2, etc.

I guess the classic games had to have good gameplay, because developers back then weren't able to create such real graphics. This is why everyone loves the hilarious, fun, simple games (SNES) of Super Mario Bros. 3, Aladdin, Chrono Trigger (my all time favorite game), Link to the Past, Star Fox, Mario Kart, and the list goes on.

I hope you recognize me from the GMC - I just started using the blog stuff and profile information recently. Keep up the great work on Conflict Online.