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Posted by RhysAndrews on May 16, 2006, 6:21 a.m.


Eh, Time for a new blog but can't think of a main theme… So lets just say a bit of crap.

My Brother gave me another gig of RAM today… well… the first he gave me, but now I have 2gigs in my comp. w00t. He's still got like a thousand million gigs in his other thousand billion computers… Oh I should tell you why he's got so many uber-powerful computers….

He owns a film-company! Yay! Oh yeah, He got a contract from a production-company to do an animated cartoon series for TV, it's being sold to some major TV stations here in Australia (Channel 7 for those who live here), And hopefully worldwide too…. And that cartoon is FUNNY. Not just funny, hilarious…

"Dad can I get a Shiatsu for my birthday?"

"What's a shiatsu?"

"A zoo with no animals"

Hahah… guess you had to be there. Anyway, check out these articles/sites on the net that talk about my brothers animated series, "Glen at Work"

Yeah, look out for it! Could easily be coming to a TV channel near you in a year or so… OH AND I DO A VOICE IN IT! Only a guest character, but yeah, look for a work experience student who is like fully-pubertized… thats my voice! It's actually me putting on a voice, but yeah, it's me!

Ok what else… uhm… Yeah I got the best sword you can get in Oblivion today! I'm level 43 go me! Eh how nerdy. Oh yeah hey guys like my badges? Give me some more I want 'em. I'm badge hungry. Actually that yellow circle with a blue wingy thing on it… i hate that badge it looks ugly… But.. meh it's cool. And look i've got a cool banner apparently! EH forget this blog it's boring.




membrain 18 years, 9 months ago

Pretty cool deal…

Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Rhys
Give me some more I want 'em. I'm badge hungry
You're a mod. I think you got a nuff doggy bones from the admins…

Joewoof 18 years, 9 months ago

I don't like the "Good Behavior" badge either. Hell, it doesn't even look like a badge. Why isn't it something like "a winged heart of gold" instead? That's much more obvious (symbolically) and cooler.

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

It isn't my fault I suck at spriting. XD

takua108 18 years, 9 months ago

…Bu…bu…but I have the same banner as you! How come I don't get a badge?

*cries in corner*


Anyways, that show sounds pretty funny. Too bad I don't live in Australia…

…Or have more than 512MB RAM…

…Or a part in a television show (congrats btw)…

But I do have to agree with you on one thing…Ugly frikkin' babies. It's so true, man.

RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago

Well it's gonna be released on DVD; I'm sure if you really wanted to see it and it wasn't being released overseas… then you could order it from Aus. But yeah; it'll be funny.


Firebird 18 years, 9 months ago

I live in Aus. Australia pwns.

Dosen't look like you have the 'banner' badge anymore.

heh heh heh.

RhysAndrews 18 years, 9 months ago

Aw craap. That's uncalled for.