Sixty Fools Digits Results (3rd place announced)

Posted by Rob on April 11, 2012, 2:46 a.m.

Alright. The results are in. I counted up the results and the points are:

Drum-roll please…………………………………………………………………………..







Psychedelic Ostrich Jihad with 33

(Only one person didn't vote this as #1)

Horrifying Yeti Dreamland with 12

(a popular #2 after Psychedelic Ostrich Jihad)

Search for the Transvestite Dungeon with 6

Nuclear Sewers in the Salad Kingdom with 6

Toxic Raccoon Posse with 4

Stylish Cricket Smackdown with 4

Low G Manlove Agent with 4

3 points were awarded for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd choice and 1 for third choice. although not everyone put in 3 choices

Since there was a tie, I'll be holding a second vote for third place. That vote will have a deadline of Sunday April 15th 11:59PM GMT-8.

Nuclear Sewers in the Salad Kingdom won the tie vote.

And here were the prizes, so MMORPGguy needs to choose his gift first, then kilin, then whoever is the result of the tie chooses last.

Quote: the original blog

1st - (Portal 2 or 2 of {Magicka, Terraria, Nation Red}) and King Arthur (or $20 steam game)(MMORPGguy chose Portal 2)

2nd - Portal 2 or 2 of {Magicka, Terraria, Nation Red}(Kilin took two copies of Magicka)

3rd - The remaining game(s).


Alert Games 12 years, 11 months ago

Unfortunately it seemed like Mega's game had an installer so…. i guess id have to vote for nuclear sewers.

If someone can explain his installer thing to me i may play it and probably vote for it for 3rd place.

firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

MuhmorpugerDude, add me on steam (cfcfirestormx - anyone can add me, really) and I'll send you aaaaanything you want.

And congratulations to everyone else! Except Kilin, 'cause his game was buggy.

Zac1790 12 years, 11 months ago

Wow there were a lot more overall votes than I expected, I'm assuming most of them came in 2 days after the original deadline :P

Congrats to MMORPGguy and Kilin! I'm not sure how Mega and I are in third, we both set our sights to high for the time and effort we put in to finish. (and that's putting it the nice way lol)

Astryl 12 years, 11 months ago

Unfortunately it seemed like Mega's game had an installer so…. i guess id have to vote for nuclear sewers.

If someone can explain his installer thing to me i may play it and probably vote for it for 3rd place.

Yes it's got an installer. It installs itself due the the retarded way it packaged itself when I told it to.

It also takes care of any framework dependencies. Are you having any trouble with the installer?

Congrats to MMORPGguy and Kilin! I'm not sure how Mega and I are in third, we both set our sights to high for the time and effort we put in to finish. (and that's putting it the nice way lol)
Yeah. That. Also: I didn't know WTF to do with Transvestites and Dungeons.

Alert Games 12 years, 11 months ago

@Mega: Well I don't want to install anything. Oh well ill "install" it >_>

EDIT: okay it wasnt bad but the installer was scary. Anyway, game was okay. I guess both games dont have much of a point aside from following the given name. Since it looks like you put more work into it,

my vote is for mega's game.

firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

You're voting on the results blog. =P

colseed 12 years, 11 months ago

Quote: teh blog
Since there was a tie, I'll be holding a second vote for third place. That vote will have a deadline of Sunday April 15th 11:59PM GMT-8.

firestormx 12 years, 11 months ago

That doesn't change the fact that I am right no matter what I say. >_>

Astryl 12 years, 11 months ago

That doesn't change the fact that I am right no matter what I say. >_>

Oh really?

*Spins firestormx 180 degrees around*

You are now left.


Thanks. I'm going to make a point next-comp not to use an installer. Because I don't like installers either.

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

It is well beyond the 15th.

*Kicks topic*