Today is my 2 week anniversary on 64 Digits. For the last two weeks, I've done nothing else online but sit at my computer, reading blogs and bothering other users XD I've become so obsessed with 64D, that I've made it my homepage! Like, dude, I need to get a life!!So, here are some things that I've remembered throughout these two weeks:1. Gophri was the first to tell me about 64D2. Phazon Yoshi was the first to comment/greet me.3. RawrSpoon was the first to officially creep me out.4. I made a little over 500 hits in the first week.5. I TOTALLY FORGOT WHO MADE ME MY BANNER! =O 6. I have 18 members from 64D on my msn contact list. About #5, if you remember whom, or if it was you, PLEASE remind me!! I feel soooo bad not remembering who made it for me =( Anyways, I've blogged just about every day before going to school. I've only missed three out of the fourteen days or so that I've been here. Yeah, I'm that obsessed!! I'm crazy @_@ !! As a matter of fact, I was thinking about how insanely crazy it would be to have a 64 Digits convention. I had the whole thing in my head. I even considered getting T-shirts made =S OBSESSED!! So, in honor of this grand occasion… I dunno what else to do. I'm kinda 'out of it' this morning. What should I do to celebrate? Should I even celebrate? Well, I'm gonna go and read some blogs. Maybe give a few hits to other people and such. *takes a deep breath in* HAVE A GREAT DAY YOU GUYS!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH!!! XD*resumes breathing*EDIT OMGOMGOMGLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLBefore I wrote this blog, I put my sweater in the dryer to, well obviously, dry. I just remembered about it and guess what! IT SHRUNK!! It used to be really big on me, but now its actually kinda tight around the arms XD I'VE WRECKED MY SWEATER CAUSE I WAS TOO BUSY BLOGGING ON 64D!! EDIT 2 Okay, so it was eagly who made me my banner. THANK YOUS EAGLY! YOU IS TEH BEST!! *applauds*
Poor eagly, you horrible eagly hating person!
I reject your choice of font colour.
Haha, congrats on lasting so long. What do you spend so much time doing on 64D? Do you even play the games? XD
I do =P
FSX: her comp can't run gm6 games, she probably just refreshes the site every 5 seconds looking for comments. :P
I'll be celebrating my two years in a few months…
she probably just refreshes the site every 5 seconds looking for comments. :P
Hah, I know I don't do that.
2 weeks, 1392 page views.
Oh, My, God.She'll have the most blog veiws eventually cause shes a girl if she sticks it out.
=P I sit reading blogs all day. As a matter of fact, the first blog I read was the one 'I don't know, my BFF Jill?' .. or something like that lol but hey, someones gotta be giving out the hits!