... Life Be Stu- Oh Look! A Penny ^_^

Posted by Ronnica on April 5, 2008, 6:46 a.m.

Yes yes, ANOTHER random blog by the one and only Ronnikins. If you are my 5000th hit, you better feel special. I was talking about the whole hit thing with a friend and they suggested that a 5000th hit is like losing your virginity. Children these days.

Yesterday I was called 'Banana' numerous times so I've decided to list as many of my nicknames as possible. Here goes:

Real Name: Veronica-Lizeth Romana








-Rowdy (also character I played in my friend's adventure game in the third grade)

-Ronald (Ron for short)




-Romula (my mom's crazy)

-Rana (means 'frog' in spanish)

-Brinka (how my cousin used to say my name when she was a baby)

-Peach (cause I bruise easily)

-Princess Peach (just to add on to the first one)

-PeppeRoni (my favorite kind of pizza!)

-Chata (what you call people in spanish if they have a small nose)

-Guera (what you call light skinned people in spanish -_-")

-Chelindrina (Mexican childrens show character)

-Lovie (my daddy calls me this)

-Ice Baby (cause Ice was my super power in third grade)

-Idjit (cause my friend likes inventing new words)


-Your Highness (XD)

-Ninja Kid (cause I was an ice ninja in fourth grade)

-Edith (my 'old lady' name that my friends use when we speak with English accents)

-Patrick (cause I was like, OBSESSED with FOB)

-Vanity (for obvious reasons)

-Short Hispanic Girl (sometimes the nerds get on my nerves)

-"OMG YOU'RE ASIAN!" (cause according to some people, I look Asian and not Hispanic)

-Apple Spice (cause my exboyfriend was Apple Sauce)

-Shoe (cause I'm small and un-thought-of until the last minute)

-"Heartless" (anther exboyfriend name XD)


-Homie V

-Kirby (CAUSE I LIKE PINK! Don't get any ideas you guys!)

-Nerd Lover

-Geek Lover


-Dirty Girl (=P)

Hmm, I have more but its quarter to 5 in the morning so I can't think of the rest. Gotta admit, its a pretty impressive list *is proud*

I dare you guys to think of another name for me.

HAVE A GREAT DAY! I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH! especially luda cause I is have his badge XD *happy dance*


-Whore (just because.)

-Hooker (cause of my position in rugby)


-"When are you gonna grow?"

-Higgins (XD)

-Mom (cause I tend to groom my friends at school. Like fix up their collars or their hair)


-Ronca (because SOME people just can't spell. Its also when you sound stuffed up in spanish)


ESA 16 years, 6 months ago

My God, more than half of your blog content is made up of your nicknames. I have a few, given to me by people I don't particularly like. I don't care much for nicknames, which is why my username is made up of my initials :D

Nice blog, though. Ohh, my text is in pretty pink.

PY 16 years, 6 months ago

5kginity, eh?

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

@ ESA : Glad you like my blog ^_^

@ Phoshi : OMG THATS AWESOMELY SAID! 5kginity!!! XD

Jaxx 16 years, 6 months ago

I seriously lol'd @ the frog one.

Juju 16 years, 6 months ago

I'll stick with Ronnie for now.

Leyenda 16 years, 6 months ago

You leave out Chonga. Do you:

– wear earring hoops big enough to drive a low-rider through?

– have a braclet with your name on it?

– know more than two girls who are 14 and pregnant?

If you answer yes to any of these.. then I'm your vato baby!

j/k actually I like Lizeth best. Very unusual so Id stick with that one.

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

Umm… nope, nope and nope. and I used to go by Lizeth until I was about 8. Lots of my uncles and aunts still call me that.

F1ak3r 16 years, 6 months ago

Maybe a list of what people don't call you would be shorter. But, let me start a trend by listing mine.

- Real name: David Yates

- Flaker

- Flaker (pronounced flake - what people call me in ignorance)

- Flakey (what some girl once called me)

- Yates

- Yatesie

- David

- Davie (what my friends call me)

- Davey (same as the one above)

- Dave

- Little dude (what some guy called me back in primary school. Funnily enough, I'm taller than him now.)

Not as many as yours, I'm afraid. And you've got MORE? O_o

Ronnica 16 years, 6 months ago

And you've got MORE? O_o

Hells yeah! I even thought of one for you!

Flakie-pie XD

Ice of sweden 16 years, 6 months ago

So idjit, how are you doing today?