... Life Be Stu- Oh Look! A Penny ^_^

Posted by Ronnica on April 5, 2008, 6:46 a.m.

Yes yes, ANOTHER random blog by the one and only Ronnikins. If you are my 5000th hit, you better feel special. I was talking about the whole hit thing with a friend and they suggested that a 5000th hit is like losing your virginity. Children these days.

Yesterday I was called 'Banana' numerous times so I've decided to list as many of my nicknames as possible. Here goes:

Real Name: Veronica-Lizeth Romana








-Rowdy (also character I played in my friend's adventure game in the third grade)

-Ronald (Ron for short)




-Romula (my mom's crazy)

-Rana (means 'frog' in spanish)

-Brinka (how my cousin used to say my name when she was a baby)

-Peach (cause I bruise easily)

-Princess Peach (just to add on to the first one)

-PeppeRoni (my favorite kind of pizza!)

-Chata (what you call people in spanish if they have a small nose)

-Guera (what you call light skinned people in spanish -_-")

-Chelindrina (Mexican childrens show character)

-Lovie (my daddy calls me this)

-Ice Baby (cause Ice was my super power in third grade)

-Idjit (cause my friend likes inventing new words)


-Your Highness (XD)

-Ninja Kid (cause I was an ice ninja in fourth grade)

-Edith (my 'old lady' name that my friends use when we speak with English accents)

-Patrick (cause I was like, OBSESSED with FOB)

-Vanity (for obvious reasons)

-Short Hispanic Girl (sometimes the nerds get on my nerves)

-"OMG YOU'RE ASIAN!" (cause according to some people, I look Asian and not Hispanic)

-Apple Spice (cause my exboyfriend was Apple Sauce)

-Shoe (cause I'm small and un-thought-of until the last minute)

-"Heartless" (anther exboyfriend name XD)


-Homie V

-Kirby (CAUSE I LIKE PINK! Don't get any ideas you guys!)

-Nerd Lover

-Geek Lover


-Dirty Girl (=P)

Hmm, I have more but its quarter to 5 in the morning so I can't think of the rest. Gotta admit, its a pretty impressive list *is proud*

I dare you guys to think of another name for me.

HAVE A GREAT DAY! I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH! especially luda cause I is have his badge XD *happy dance*


-Whore (just because.)

-Hooker (cause of my position in rugby)


-"When are you gonna grow?"

-Higgins (XD)

-Mom (cause I tend to groom my friends at school. Like fix up their collars or their hair)


-Ronca (because SOME people just can't spell. Its also when you sound stuffed up in spanish)


ESA 16 years, 10 months ago

F1ak3r, how could you forget Flakius?!

edmunn 16 years, 10 months ago

I can give names for under $10 an hour.

Also, for an extra 99 cents pronounce each one in a funny voice.

What do you say?

Josea 16 years, 10 months ago

Guera? I've never heard of that word, probably it is mexican.

edmunn 16 years, 10 months ago

And i have two nick-names:

1) Jew - people who are too lazy to say 'Jehovahs Witness'

2) Edwina - Don't ask =]

Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

@ Ice : Watch yourself buddy!

@ Ed : Umm, no I'm okay lol

@ Jose : It is Mexican.

@ Ed : Edwina? Like in Chicken Run?

Bryan 16 years, 10 months ago

-Kirby (CAUSE I LIKE PINK! Don't get any ideas you guys! because I like to suck)

Rez 16 years, 10 months ago

By combining your nicknames I've come up with something awesome sounding:

Veroonica Dirty Banana Lover.

My only nicknames are Pinky and Rez. The pinky thing didn't last long.

Rez 16 years, 10 months ago

^ +100 points for the first person to find all 2 innuendos

Ronnica 16 years, 10 months ago

"-_- mebe waz bad idea

flashback 16 years, 10 months ago

Wow, 16 comments before we fell into the gutter, that's impressive.