... Not Your Average Blog

Posted by Ronnica on May 6, 2008, 9:32 a.m.

Saludos Amigos! Yesterday was Cinqo De Mayo (Fifth of May) and boy did I have an interesting day. My French AP exam was yesterday and it took 4 hours to complete! We (there were only 4 of us willing to take the exam) started at noon and I weren't let out until 4:05pm. I'm not allowed to discuss the questions and stuff but I can say that I think I did really well on it. Especially during the speaking part. It was really cool cause my school bought these digital voice recorders so that we could record ourselves answering some questions. At one point I think I caught myself speaking Spanish, but otherwise I did really really well.

Did you notice this was a rather normal blog ? Kinda scary, isn't it? A little while ago when I was getting ready for school, my older brother asked me, "Why do you wear so much makeup? You're not THAT ugly." Nice guy. So yeah, I'm gonna answer his silly little question with what I like to call my 'logicalism.' I mean, I wear makeup because I just like to. Plus I got really used to wearing eyeliner. My little brother's ex girlfriend didn't wear any makeup and all of my friends agreed that she would be a lot prettier if she did. I know a lot of girls who can pull off not wearing makeup, but most of the time it would be better if they would atleast give it a try. But only if worn properly. I can't stand those other chicks that wear way too much. And not just eye stuff. But all that skin stuff too. There's a girl in my French class that wears a lot of cover-up. She's pretty but the unfortunate thing is that she wears a colour that doesn't match her skin tone, so she looks kinda orangy with a white neck. If you haven't noticed, look at the girls in your school and see if you can notice the girls that have orange faces and white necks. It's pretty funny. How this answers my brother's question though, I will never know. Probably because it doesn't. I'm not good at answering questions. Oh look, a penny.

On the randomer side, my friend and I are gonna do something crazy on Friday. I'm sure most of you remember that I'm allergic to apples. Well, it just so happens that my friend really likes apples but she's allergic to lemons. I LOVE lemons. I know it's bad for your teeth and whatnot, but I just adore lemons. I love sour things. So yeah, she's allergic to lemons because the citrus acid is too much for her innards and she could possibly start regurgitating her own stomach lining. Sounds fun, no? So Friday, I'm bringing her lemons and she's bringing me apples and we're gonna just eat away. It'll be interesting for everyone else to watch. I'll see if I can get a video to put on youtube for you guys. We might also be swallowing vinegar and snorting Pixie Sticks XD Got any suggestions for something we should do? (Please don't suggest something like, "Try not doing something stupid." because that's no fun.)



Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

@ Poly Man : Respect for a woman?! WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO?! XD lol jk, someone said the same thing to me before and thats what my brother had to say about it.

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

My Spanish teacher hates mayonnaise. So, interpreting it as "Sinko de Mayonnaise," he tells his students that.

He doesn't just hate the stuff, he is afraid of it. Seriously. He doesn't like ketchup either, but says that two nasty condiments can actually make something decent.

SquareWheel 16 years, 5 months ago

That was worthy of it's own blog, Kilin.

Cpsgames 16 years, 5 months ago


Ronnica 16 years, 5 months ago

*grabs Cps in a headlock* ENCHILADAS!!

Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

@Square: I should probably write one, late and all.

Cpsgames 16 years, 5 months ago

D= Fine.. meanie!

*while walking away* TACOS!!