... Your Bright Ideas Are My Injuries

Posted by Ronnica on May 10, 2008, 11:22 a.m.


Hand sanitizer burns. :D

You can scare a lot of little kids with fiery hands.

Posted by Kilin

So my friend, Chelsa and I were gonna eat what we're allergic to, snort Pixie Sticks and try out some other crazy things. I brought her bag of cut up lemons so that she could do her dare, but she didn't bring me any apples (cause she's allergic to lemons/citric acid and I'm allergic to apples and stuff). So I told her, "It's okay. I wasn't to keen on eating apples anyways so you don't have to-" just then she takes a lemon slice out of the bag and eats it =O Wes (SquareWheel) and I were like, "?!?!?!?!?!??!" She was okay later on though except that she kept coughing and like, was in pain. It appeared that she has a stomach ulcer as well so that wasn't good… So that was her thing so I needed something to do. Now read the above quote ><

I got that comment so I tried it in my room. I was successful in doing it two times. My hand would burn for like, three seconds and then I'd just give it a wave and then it'd go out. It was really cool. So at school, I did it twice for Wes and Chelsa and it worked out really well too, but I promised Shawn (Gophri) that I'd show him. After school, Shawn and I were playing hacky sack with my 'twin' brother and another friend. Since Shawn had to go, I thought I'd show them my cool new trick. I over loaded my hand with hand sanitizer and then light it on fire. Three seconds and it started to burn, so I gave it a wave. Big problem: THE FLAME WOULDN'T GO OUT!! You could hear the fire on my hand burning the sanitizer. Like, when you have a burning marshmallow on a stick and you wave it around, yeah, that's the sound. I finally got it out and the guys were laughing at me -_-" On the walk home, my hand still felt like it was on fire. My twin knows first aid, so he took a look at my hand and was like, "Um, those are first degree burn marks kid." When we got to my house, I went to the bathroom to put my hand in cold water. It was really painful. Luckily, my mom had bought me a bottle of aloe vera since it's a lot sunnier out. I put it on my hand and it really helped.

Later on that evening after my twin went home, I was on msn and I found it really hard to type. I'd look at my hand and it was like, shaking as if I was cold or really nervous. I finally got up and told my mom what happened. It was kinda funny. "Mom? You know when you're young you tend to do really stupid things?"

"Yeah…" my mom didn't look up from her book.

"Well, my friends and I found a lighter today," I had to lie. I don't want her asking why I own two lighters. "One of them said that you can light your hand on fire with hand sanitizer…" she finally looked up from her book. "I gave it a try and it worked out okay, so I did it again and now David said I got first degree burns." It was funny because she was all like =O and then "-_- and then back to =O The only remedy my mom could give me was "Help yourself to a freezie and hold it with that hand." Mmm, blue freezie.

So yeah, as much as I think you're cool Kilin, I'm gonna have to stop listening to your crazy ideas. As a matter of fact, no one should give me a dangerous/crazy idea cause chances are that I'll probably end up doing it XD


BTW, ask Gophri what he did on Thursday XD


thernz 16 years, 9 months ago

I'm sorry but I only dig Asian girls.

y yes im asian too.

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

(No one tell him some people think she's Asian)

Castypher 16 years, 9 months ago

I NEVER suggested to light your hands on fire, and you didn't even do it right! You keep a bucket of water nearby and never wave your hand around. It doesn't help. Sorry you were burned, but never listen to a 64D user, mmk?

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

You didn't mention the bucket earlier. =o

Castypher 16 years, 9 months ago

It's common sense to have some water if you're planning on setting yourself on fire.

Juju 16 years, 9 months ago

I'm not sure common sense comes into it when you're lighting your hand on fire.

SquareWheel 16 years, 9 months ago

Always with the wit, Juju.

eagly 16 years, 9 months ago

^_^ Juju.

frenchcon1 16 years, 9 months ago

I had some awesome ideas, but my internet died before I could post them -_-

thernz 16 years, 9 months ago

(No one tell him some people think she's Asian)
Uh… I meant Indian.