... No Future?

Posted by Ronnica on May 28, 2008, 8:02 a.m.

So yesterday I went to an information session at the local college about funding for entry if you're interested in Trades and Technology. Esthiology is considered a trade (I thought that was kinda funny). So anyways, the college was given like, 2 million dollars or something to spend on giving out bursaries to students who want to go into Trades and Tech at the Okanagan College (OC). For most scholarships and stuff, you need good grades or like, a GPA of "over nine-thousand" or something. For this, because there's a lack of tradespeople and stuff, the ONLY way to get the money was if you "show the financial need" AND were hoping to apply at the OC.

Guess what? I TOTALLY QUALIFIED! I pretty much had the $1000 ! There was hope! I was gonna go to college and everything! For the Esthiology course, $1000 would've paid for the first year out of the two years. Unfortunately, the course was only available at the OC in another city >< I'm seriously not moving. I don't wanna pay for school and rent! "Take out a student loan" they say! No fricken way! I don't wanna go into debt! "Get a job" they say! Yeah right, I can hardly handle High school as it is. College-work life would be waaaaay too hard for me. The Spoon says I'm being stubborn. I guess I am.

What sucks the most is I really would've only had to pay possibly $1500 instead of $2500 for the two year course. My first year would've been like, almost free!! I really did loose an opportunity to go to college. Thats what bums me out. Now I gotta go to some lame beauty school.

The coolest thing about Esthiology is that its usually just 2 years, and all you need is English 12. I mean, the best school in Canada is in Ontario or something, and thats all they required. *sighs* I was soooo close to going to college…



I mean really! Wouldn't you rather a diploma that says, "Graduate Of Okanagan College Trades And Technology" than "Graduate Of Miss Sally's Salon" ?!

Lemme know if you're my 9000th hit!!! ^_^


Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Vezper was born without a penis too… >_____>

Nathan 16 years, 4 months ago

Thats a bit over the top isn't it? You don't have to go to college to have a future =P

And your still going to a college? So really you going to be more qualified that lots of people just cause of that.

This is just another typical "always wanting more than what you have" situation =P

SquareWheel 16 years, 4 months ago

Nathan is right. College isn't a requirement in life. And Miss Sally is actually very nice once you get to know her.

It will turn out just fine sweetie.

frenchcon1 16 years, 4 months ago

You were also born without a penis Frenchie..

Very good. I suppose you thought that up all by yourself, as well.

Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago

A student loan might be the only way if it comes to it.

But $2500? That's it? Even so, with room and board for 2 years, isn't much. A student loan for that much won't leave you in debt for long. It's much easier to get out of a $2500 debt than it is to get out of a potential $75,000 debt (The colleges I want to go to are expeeensive! Hope I get shitloads of scholarships within the next 2 years :P.)

Plus, with the $1000, it would work well. If you want to go into Esthiology, go ahead and move. It's two years, and (Although I know 0 about Esthiology,) I'm sure it will pay off in the end.

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

Don't worry about college. It's only necessary if you're looking for a killer job that beats everyone else.

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

Thats kinda the point Kilin…

Snakeman 16 years, 4 months ago

Agreeing with Kenon, $1000 a year isn't that good. My brother got a $1500 scholorship and that just about covers 15% of what his college will cost a year.

Kenon 16 years, 4 months ago

No, snake, you don't seem to see that her college cost only costs about $2500. Total.

Ronnica 16 years, 4 months ago

The best school for it is only $3000 for the whole two year program.