... Slice Of Rowdy Life

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 15, 2008, 8:48 a.m.

Ever have something you REALLY want within your reach, but then a simple, "Actually, I changed my mind…" not only makes you wanna destroy that person but makes you feel like there's no hope? No? Okay, moving on…

These last two weeks have been really not-so-fun for me. My little cousins (whom I refer to as The/My Babies) have been over at my house for the last two weeks because their mom (she's actually my cousin) went to our "old country'' to be with her dying grandma (whom wasn't dying anymore when she got there). Since my mom isn't home to take care of them in the mornings, I've gone from the 'Big Sister' roll to the 'Mommy' roll. It's a lot of work. But my cousin is supposed to be back soon because we all start school in like, two and a half weeks, but OH LOOK! A PLOT TWIST! My cousin has been having sooo much fun in El Salvador that she decided that she would be staying FOR ANOTHER WEEK!!! "QUE ESTAS PENSANDO MUJER?! PORQUE?!?!?!" as I said to her on the phone.

Call me selfish, call me self centered, but always remember that I'm still a teenager and taking care of someone other than myself is harder than it usually seems. I've been changing their diapers since they were born and now at 8 and 4 its a whole lot different. But this week sure had its moments. The other day, me and Alex (8) were watching TV when she changed the channel to Star Trek. I couldn't believe it. I was watching Star Trek with my baby =') Even better yet, I was watching NASCAR when Talia (4) sat next to me and asked, "What's your favorite car?" and I said, "Number 88." and she looks at the TV and says, "Can I have a favorite car?" and I was all proud.

So I love the fact that they're getting into the things that I like, but then again, I hope they don't get into some of my bad habits. I do tend to swear and talk back to my mom in front of them, so I hope my cousin doesn't come back to some potty mouthed babies XD


Oh, by the way, the "M&M" car won XD


XtrmBean2 16 years, 2 months ago

Enjoy your virginity.


Cesque 16 years, 2 months ago

My little cousins (whom I refer to as The/My Babies) have been over at my house for the last two weeks because their mom (she's actually my cousin)

I believe it to be a elf-evident truth that being related to some kids also makes you related to their mother… but I may be wrong, heh.

Cesque 16 years, 2 months ago

lololol I said elf-evident. I meant self-evident, but it's funnier this way.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 2 months ago

Cesque! You just said elf-evident.

liquid 16 years, 2 months ago

Am I the only one that hates Nascar? And I live in Texas!

SquareWheel 16 years, 2 months ago

:[ How could you hate NASCAR?

liquid 16 years, 2 months ago

Because racing should be about more than turning left.

SquareWheel 16 years, 2 months ago

Heh, I don't know if you've been to the racetrack, but it can get a little more intense than that.

PY 16 years, 2 months ago

They turn left HARD.

SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

I hate the color of your text. >: