...So I Got Kicked Out.

Posted by Ronnica on Nov. 15, 2009, 1:17 p.m.

Last entry I was talking about how things were crappity-crap-crap. Well, things have yet to get better.

My 19th birthday was on November 10th and it became a point for life to worsen. I asked my mom if Wes (Square Wheel) could come over to be with us for my birthday. She didn't like the idea and made a big deal about it, insulting him and me and really hurt my feelings. I left the house in a rage.

On the way to meet Wheel, I sent my mom a text message, "I really hate you right now. You've ruined a very important day because you are a selfish bitch. I'm not coming home."

Bad idea.

Wes and I spent the day together. My birthday had gotten better, forgetting my mom and just feeling special on my day. He came over for an hour to bake a birthday cake with me, then he left. I went to bed feeling happy for the first time in months.

The next day was hell.

Near noon, my mom had come into my room, "We need to talk." I said, "Okay. Talk." She flipped her phone open to the text message I had sent her. I was still upset so I didn't feel bad for sending it. She said, "Where in the hell do you get the right to send me these things ?!" I didn't say anything. "WHERE DO YOU GET THE RIGHT ?!" She sung her and my head but I shot my arm up to defend myself.

"You ruined my birthday !" I yelled. I got up from my seat and pushed it onto the floor and pushed her away from me. "You think I'm a selfish BITCH ?' she asks. She goes over to where I had the hair straightener, taking it and breaking it in half. "I'M SELFISH?!" She took my ProActive face wash stuff and opened the bottles and dumped them all over the floor. She had bought me those things for my birthday.

"You ruined my day ! You hurt my feelings !" I screamed at her, crying my eyes out. She came over to me to hit me again, but I had had enough. I shoved her away and began to punch her body. She was doing the same to me.

My aunt had heard the commotion from the living room and came running in screaming and yelling at us to stop. But we couldn't tear ourselves apart from taking our anger out on eachother.

My aunt pulled me off of my mom. We were all crying. My brother had come upstairs and was watching from the hallway. My mom began to lecture and say that I was stupid and that why should she keep providing for someone that takes it all for granted.

"Why don't you get your ass in school ?!" "My entrance exam is on the 19th, you idiot !" and so on. Finally after an hour of her yelling and crying. She told me to pack up, and get the hell out of the house and never come back.

So I packed. Called up Wes and have been staying with him and his mom since. My brother texts me now and then and told me the other day that my mom and aunt are still crying over my leaving. Tough nuggies.


JW 14 years, 11 months ago

you're 19

shouldn't puberty be over?

JW 14 years, 11 months ago

I'm sorry that was mean but yeah

SteveKB 14 years, 11 months ago

hey why were you still in her house if you're 19?

Ronnica 14 years, 11 months ago

I was still in her house because I had no reason to leave. She agreed to not charge me rent if I got into college (which I was about to do) so I didn't need to work so I could focus all my time into getting my diploma. We weren't expecting our emotions to get in the way of, well, everything.

LoserHands 14 years, 11 months ago

Oh. I just hope you're absolutely certain you can't deal with it, at least. And really deal with just avoiding all this, too. The problems still there, you know?

Anyways, enough mundane shit.

Ronnica 14 years, 11 months ago

Agreed. New blog on its way.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 11 months ago

[quote=Ronnica's Stalker]Grow up. You're 19 now, not 13.

Stevenup being critical of Ronnica? I did not expect that.

SteveKB 14 years, 11 months ago

oh shi redemption but yeah hope you are ok then.

chao1212 14 years, 11 months ago

If your parents were selfish, you'd be an aborted fetus.

poultry 14 years, 11 months ago

Hey. We're exactly 1 year apart. Woo.