
Posted by Ronnica on Jan. 2, 2010, 7:54 p.m.

Starting tomorrow I'll be using Twitter more often. Of course this is just a "follow me" add-type blog but I figure with more people active I'll be able and more motivated to keep up and use it. It's my first step to becoming more well-known. "Famous" if you must.

Last night I also had a dream that I'm taking as a sign. "But Ronnikins, dreams are just our subconsciouses being active while we sleep" or something like that. I know I know, I'm not that stupid, but I had a dream that I was in some sort of red car with Vin Diesel and it was like we were filming a race scene for like, Fast and the Furious 7. I'd kill to be in those movies. They require no skills in acting or driving. Just pretty faces =] I think I can get by with me skills hahaha

Have A Great Day, Guys !! No Matter What, I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH !!!!!!

Also, Twitter me: RowdyGirl


I should buy a camera (the recording kind) and film my progress throughout the new year at my amateur attempt to becoming "famous."

Then when I become well-known and people wanna see how I did it, I'll sell my film as DVDs and some of the proceeds will go to 64. I wanna keep this site going cause I like it for blogging. Anyways… yeah… I have to pee.


Quietus 14 years, 9 months ago

Are you on crack?

Ronnica 14 years, 9 months ago

@hel: Actually I'm just very excited, pressed for time (going out in a minute) and I really, REALLY have to pee… *considers taking laptop into the bathroom with me*

Ronnica 14 years, 9 months ago

It helps me.

Quietus 14 years, 9 months ago

No i mean, you have to be on something really strong to think that you can get famous, "e-famous" or whatever, based on your personality alone. if you don't have some unique talent to sell with it, well, you have nothing.

Ronnica 14 years, 9 months ago

Well I'm kinda looking into everything like, auditions in Vancouver and real voice over work. All this Twitter and Y'Tube is sort of a journal and will hopefully aid in some way.

But yeah, you're right.

flashback 14 years, 9 months ago



Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

@flashback: Oh, that made more sense.

Anyway, what the hell is Twitter? Sounds obscene. Of course I'm joking, but I've never even laid eyes on it, thus, I'm not inclined to visit.

The whole "get famous" phase is something everyone goes through. However, although everyone wants to get famous through means of acting or visual portrayal, such as yourself, sometimes the best way to become famous is to do something, whether or not you show your face at all.

And I mean famous in a figurative sense. Expecting to get a bunch of fanboys is common, but it doesn't happen the way you want. Though I suppose the drooling entourage that you attracted from 64Digits may count.

Josea 14 years, 9 months ago

I like how Kilin has his comment in black font while everyone is in girly pink.

SteveKB 14 years, 9 months ago

I love taking my netbook into teh bathroom it's like reading a magazine… that never ends!

Castypher 14 years, 9 months ago

@Josea: Now if only I could fix the comment tags (poster, date, etc.).