
Posted by Ronnica on Jan. 2, 2010, 7:54 p.m.

Starting tomorrow I'll be using Twitter more often. Of course this is just a "follow me" add-type blog but I figure with more people active I'll be able and more motivated to keep up and use it. It's my first step to becoming more well-known. "Famous" if you must.

Last night I also had a dream that I'm taking as a sign. "But Ronnikins, dreams are just our subconsciouses being active while we sleep" or something like that. I know I know, I'm not that stupid, but I had a dream that I was in some sort of red car with Vin Diesel and it was like we were filming a race scene for like, Fast and the Furious 7. I'd kill to be in those movies. They require no skills in acting or driving. Just pretty faces =] I think I can get by with me skills hahaha

Have A Great Day, Guys !! No Matter What, I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH !!!!!!

Also, Twitter me: RowdyGirl


I should buy a camera (the recording kind) and film my progress throughout the new year at my amateur attempt to becoming "famous."

Then when I become well-known and people wanna see how I did it, I'll sell my film as DVDs and some of the proceeds will go to 64. I wanna keep this site going cause I like it for blogging. Anyways… yeah… I have to pee.


Arcalyth 15 years ago

Or maybe Kilin should embrace the pink.

frenchcon1 15 years ago

you've got to be kidding.

Ronnica 15 years ago

@ Flasher: I'm soooooo sorry ! I was in a hurry and I had to pee and I wasn't focusing at all (hence the stupidity) I'm sorry =[

@ Josea: You'd think after a year and half, everybody would be used to it.

@ 'Thicide: The sad part is that I'm not =\

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years ago

I don't mind the pink, it just hurts the eyes after a while because of the white background…

Castypher 15 years ago

^ What he said.

Ronnica 15 years ago

^ I guess I'll find out which admin I have to sleep with to fix that.

Arcalyth 15 years ago

All of us.

At the same time.

But mostly just melee. Good luck with that, by the way.

Castypher 15 years ago


I was going to say Arc, because he currently does the most work on V3 but….

Arc, you couldn't choose a more eye-friendly shade?

Arcalyth 15 years ago

I'm quite content with this shade. Or did you want a brighter one?

Castypher 15 years ago

I actually wanted you to change the background of the comment boxes to a bright pink so we would have to strain our eyes to read.

That would be pretty cool, bro.