...I'm Leaving.

Posted by Ronnica on Aug. 17, 2010, 9:58 p.m.

Since the old beans are returning, and the community is focusing on their game making roots, I figure my place here as the attention seeking princess is no longer necessary. Not that it ever was, haha. Two years is plenty o' time here. I was the first girl to get to 10K hits, be a mod for a week, and I once had my own custom made badge that dissapeared with the last down-time. Thanks for the good times, the bad times, the tears the HAHAHAOMG I TOTALLY FOOLED YOU!!

How many were fooled?

How many were sad?

How many were happypleasedon'tanswerthat.

Now for the real blog:

My brother's best friend from high school came to stay with us for five days. It was real fun and all because he understands my old-school humor. If one of us breaks into song, the other will join in much to the dismay of my brother.

"Come and knock on our door.."

"Come and knock on our door."

Anyways while he was here, we went GO KARTING!! As you may or may not know, I ADORE go karts. We paid to go on 3 times. On the third lap, it was evening and more people arrived to the track to race too. There were little kids with parents too so my brothers and our pal and I knew we had to drive carefully because the track was PACKED with inexperienced racers. They even ran out of singles (kart that seats only one person) and were giving people doubles (kart that seats two. MATHS PEOPLE)

Okay, so finally, we're racing and it's going great, even for a stuffed track. During a left turn, some guy in a double kart sped right into me and bumped my kart something fierce! The track was so packed, I'm still confused how he got that much momentum after the left turn to t-bone me.

When I was hit, I felt the safety strap on my left dig into my neck and my leg started pulsing in pain. I drove to the side of the track and even that hurt my leg to do. The attendant ran up to me and asked, "Are you okay?" I just looked at him all blankly and said, "No. Can I get out?"

We waited for a quick break before I tried to get out. I couldn't do it. My thigh muscles just ACHED on my left leg. After he helped me out, he had me walk to the exit and I just couldn't do it without makeing ugly pained faces. When the race was over, my brother finds me and asks what happened. I started to cry 'cause I was so frustrated that I missed out on driving, and he actually had a pittied face when I told him. He was quite mad also.

Since it was our last race, we all just headed home. My other brother carried me to the car and we set for home. Once we got there, I went to assess the damges. I had a real nasty bruise on my arm. The pain I felt on my neck from the strap? Yeah, harsh mark on my neck. I have a picture on Facebook of those bruises. I'll put it here later.

As for my thigh? Turns out my leg smashed into the steering colum. The mark was a light purple bruise that day, the next day up to today, it's a big, thick, DISGUSTING, purple-red-black bruise. It's HUGE!! (That's what she said.) It's no wonder I couldn't walk. Also, my upper body was sore as if I really was in a car accident. The doctor even reccommended physiotherapy.

Go karts don't absorb hits like bumper cars do. It was really painful ='(

Be safe my lovelies, and HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! Because I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT Neck and arm at the night of the accident, leg today /EDIT


Scott_AW 14 years, 2 months ago

That was -not- on purpose? <.< I thought your were just adding to the effect.

Cpsgames 14 years, 2 months ago

@Extravisual: Depends on the kart you got, like a modified one. =P

@Ronnicabluh: You won't win. Mine is supped up :D

Vance_Kimiyoshi 14 years, 2 months ago

Don't you ">_>" at me, missy! D:<

Extravisual 14 years, 2 months ago

When I was young I totally cheated in go kart races by using a double kart with my cousin. We were both pretty light-weight so the power overcame the extra weight. Even then I can't imagine it injuring somebody.

Ronnica 14 years, 2 months ago

@ Scotty : Nope.

@ Cps : >=(

@ Vance : Sorries ._.

@ Extra-V : It's ridiculous, I know!!! But that's what happened. The doctor was weirded out too and thought I was abused at home or something.

Extravisual 14 years, 2 months ago

You probably were abused at home, but just repressed the memory. Don't be surprised when that comes back to haunt you in 20 years.

Vance_Kimiyoshi 14 years, 2 months ago

But she's a girl, Extravisual. So that… implies something about something regarding something and I don't know what, you know what I mean? God.

RE: Picture. One on the neck looks like it might hurt, but I'm mostly curious about the big scar-ish thing, even though it's completely unrelated.

Extravisual 14 years, 2 months ago

Btw you have pet hair on your shirt.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 2 months ago

First paragraph made me sad, until the I fooled you part. Then relief. Don't do that again… :(

Ronnica 14 years, 2 months ago

@ Vance : Was a cat scratch. Literally.

@ Extra-V : Yes, I was holding my cat before I went to take the picture.

@ Dabridgikins : *HUGS* I sorries!