...I Got Another One For You

Posted by Ronnica on Sept. 12, 2010, 11:11 p.m.

Referring to the video at the bottom. I'm gonna assume that you've just skipped all of this and are now watching it. On to the news.

This passed Wednesday I FINALLY went to get my learners drivers license. I'm very overdue in getting it because I'm almost 20 and learners start at 16, therefore I have not been bragging about achieving it.

I will, however, brag that I am able to drive manual. My brother has been taking me driving long before I got my L. He told me not to tell anyone because if I got caught, they'd tow his car and give me a ticket.

Anyways, this may be similar to how you get your licenses, but I know my province does it differently than the rest of Canada, or so I've heard.

There's a multiple choice questionnaire that you do on a touch screen computer. 50 questions, must get 40 correct to pass (80% is pass. MATHS, PEOPLE!) I'll admit, I BARELY studied the learners book, and did the practice quiz online 3 times before going to get my learners for real. (You can give it a try here)

My brother sat at some seats further behind me and watched me from afar while I did the test. I hate to say it, but it might have been sheer luck that I passed. I was doing real well, then at the last 20 I got 7 wrong, the final 3 questions I guessed on (because they were previous questions I skipped) and all 3 were wrong. The last question, if I got it wrong, would have been a fail on the test. I had and still have absolutely NO IDEA what the right answer is. I touched an answer, submitted it, and the screen went white.

Then this little box appeared and said something like:

Percent Needed To Pass: 80%

Your Percent: 80%

My brother was real proud =]

Later that day, we went to the auto auction in town and I saw a very nice Eclipse that I wouldn't mind purchasing. Unfortunately, it was automatic, and I've never driven automatic before. My brother wont let me (he's a big car enthusiast) =P

The man there said I could take it for a test drive and I had to tell him I couldn't. I didn't tell him why, but he must have thought I just couldn't drive.

I later ended up closing the car's door on my thumb ><

Since the majority of you dislike cars, I'll change the subject.

The following video is like the other one we watched, "California on Canada" where most of you complained that Californians are just stupid.

Well they've done it again!

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! 'cept for rufus. I'm scared of him =[


Rob 14 years, 1 month ago

I watched a bunch of asians just walk straight out the door after failing that computer test…

I got 90%. :D

KaBob799 14 years, 1 month ago

I'm never going to bother learning how to drive manual =p

Quietus 14 years, 1 month ago

this actually makes me feel a whole lot better, considering that i'm 19 and i still haven't learned how to drive. i never go anywhere so driving seems silly, plus i'm in Alabama where people are fucking maniacs on the road.

KaBob799 14 years, 1 month ago

Oh yeah, I got my license right before I turned 18 so I didn't really rush for it either.

Ronnica 14 years, 1 month ago

@ Rob : Nice!

@ Kaboobies : Well if I ever hope to buy a real nice car, manual will come in handy.

@ hel : I hope you never have an emergency where you gotta drive somewhere then =P

Extravisual 14 years, 1 month ago

No. Just no.

Lapixx 14 years, 1 month ago

If a line of vehicles has formed behind you and you are driving below the speed limit, why is it a good idea to (safely) pull over to let them pass?
C: Because British Columbians are polite.
LMFAO. Congrats by the way ;)

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

Heh, I didn't study for anything and got my license.

where most of you complained that Californians are just stupid.

I admit that there are a lot of stupid people like that here, but I'm sure that video is only showing those select idiots. :(

RC 14 years, 1 month ago

In Indiana, I think you're allowed to miss 4 questions and 1 sign.

I missed like 3 questions and 0 signs. :D

Ronnica 14 years, 1 month ago

@ EV : Yes!

@ Lapixx : XD Thank you!

@ Ferrikins : They admit that they do sometimes.

@ RC : Nice!