...Understanding Ronnica

Posted by Ronnica on Oct. 4, 2010, 2:25 a.m.

I'm going to attempt to answer a few frequently asked questions that I've heard guys wonder about and just throw in some other interesting facts that I think most other females would agree with as well as bonus information regarding myself.


Why do girls take long showers?

Someone once told me that girls bodies are naturally warmer since they're supposed to have children an whatnot. This causes us to casually sweat throughout the day (which is why we carry body spray or perfumes in our purses when we go out). On to the showers: to avoid our skin carrying too much BO, we have numerous soaps and body wash (usually with fruity scents) that we use. It takes a while to scrub two or more soaps. Not to mention shaving legs and shampooing and conditioning hair. Therefore, long showers.

Why do girls take so long doing their hair/make up?

'Cause you wanna be seen with a messy tramp, right?

But seriously, usually for hair, straightening it is just easier to manage throughout the day. Anything else is for fashion/style purposes.

Make up is also mostly for fashion/style purposes (to match outfits and whatnot) but sometimes a girl has got blemishes she can cover up with an ounce or five of concealer and foundation.

You're cold, and you're eating ice cream?

I think that has to do with us always being naturally warmer, being cold is a bit of a thrill. We enjoy being cold, wrapped in a big thick blanket, eating a frozen treat.

Why the big purse?

Obviously for our numerous things that must go where we go. Cell phones, wallets, make up (for touch ups) and make up brushes, perfumes, tampons, hand cream, hand sanitizer, cameras, pens, day planners/note books, books, keys and keychains, umbrellas, condoms, tissues, hair spray (I don't, but others do), change of clothes and if you need us to carry something, chances are we don't have room.

Also, most girls will become upset if you go through their purse without permission, so don't do it.

She says she's fine, but she's obviously not fine. What's wrong?

I don't care what anyone says, EVERY girl loves attention. Either a little or a lot, but we all want it. When we say we're fine, but obviously not, it's because we want you to put more effort into asking. Bring us flowers, or write a sweet note saying something cheesy about "I don't know what's going on, but I'll always be there for you" or something. We can't say no when a guy is sucking up to us.

Why don't you believe me when I say you're pretty?

There's a quote that says something like, "No matter how good you are, there is always someone better." Even if you think she's the most beautiful girl in the universe, her mind wanders to the girls who are a dress size smaller, or a bust size bigger. In her mind, that would be the girl you want.

Getting To Know Ronnica Hmmm, where to start, where to start…

Why do you use ellipsis?

As I've said before, I type the way I talk. The ellipsises in my writting is sort of my way of showing that I'm thinking. I've often been told from people that it reads all over my face when I'm in deep thought, so when you read my work, you can imagine me talking to you, and when an ellipsis shows up, you can imagine my eyes wander off to the side while I search my brain for the right words.

What's with the nicknames?

I dunno. I just love giving people affectionate names. Mostly by adding "kins" or I can call you something that sounds like your name.

Ex. Juju = Jujukins, Jujus, Jewjuice, Jujies, Jusicles.

Are you flirting with me?

Probably not. I do, however, flirt with people I know I annoy. I talk about marrying Ludamad because I know I bug him quite a bit. I only do it because I admire his skills and talent in coding. Same goes with Extravisual. He hates me XD

I think I'm done for my first segment of "Understanding Ronnica" but if you have questions to ask about myself, or girls in general, send me a PM and I'll answer it next week. My friends always ask me things for my opinion and the truth, so I figure I'll make it my thing. I'm an advice bloggist =P


Are you seriously posting that?


Ronnica 14 years ago

@ Ferret : It's a start.

@ sirX : *thumbs up*

@ Eva : Good luck!

@ Jujukins : At least now it's known why hehehe

@ Ces : I'll get into the more profound things next time!


@ GHG : That is FANTASTIC! Hahaha!

@ Z-wooop : 'Cause some of you are just clueless.

Phil Steele 14 years ago

Of course a list of things to help understand a woman written by a woman becomes completely null and void within 5 minutes of post being clicked. Women can and will change their minds completely on any subject without any reason whatsoever in the shortest of time.

Mordi 14 years ago

Women are feelers. Men are thinkers.


SleepinJohnnyFish 14 years ago

It's really sad that this might be needed here…

Castypher 14 years ago

Yeah, Juju makes occasional posts like this too.

Cesque 14 years ago

Women are feelers. Men are thinkers.

And that stereotype is bullshit.

Juju 14 years ago

Oh man Kilin, that was a while ago.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years ago

Feeler? I hardly even know 'er.

The most versitile innuendo ever.

SleepinJohnnyFish 14 years ago

Women are feelers. Men are thinkers.
And that stereotype is bullshit.

Although it may not be 100% accurate, it is a good shortcut to the truth in the majority of cases. At the very least, you must admit that society pushes them to be more invested in emotions while men are more invested in logic. If addition, it is simple to deduce that the hormonal cycle of women puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to logical thought processes, even if only by a small amount.

Cesque 14 years ago

Although it may not be 100% accurate, it is a good shortcut to the truth in the majority of cases.

Sure, but that's the thing about all stereotypes. "Stay away from Black people, they're going to mug you" is a good shortcut in some places, too.

In addition, it is simple to deduce that men having a penis and wanting to use it on everything puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to logical thought processes, even if only by a small amount.

(and on a more serious note: logical reasoning does not necessarily translate into logical behaviour or how you respond to other people)