
Posted by Ronnica on Oct. 29, 2010, 4:01 a.m.

I walked into the club after parking my car, feeling really uncomfortable in my choice outfit: tight black mini dress with lots of cleavage. My gun holster was nearly visible (inb4 vag jokes) and my heels were more decoration than practical, but I had to blend in with everyone else.

Went up to the bar, placed my order and scoped out the place. Suddenly I felt a hand on the small of my back, and a familiar voice in my ear, "Vanity, is it?"

I turned my head and smirked at the handsome young man with cyan eyes. "Actually, I go by 'Rowdy' again." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Definetly not how we would normally greet, but he was there on business too.

"Rowdy? Not working for the man anymore? Damn, last time I saw you, you had broken ribs from one of their jobs."

"Haha, that must have been nearly two years ago. Yeah, I'm done with them so I'm just on my own." The bartender served my drink. Before I could reach for my money to pay, someone else tossed him a large bill saying, "Keep the change."

It was Willace! I smiled as he greeted me the same way Mattox did. Silly boys =P

Willace is about 6'5" tall, but somehow manages to not attract too much attention. It's a neat trick.

As I reached for my drink, I heard Willace mumble to Mattox, "3 o'clock. Red tie. Sharp." and he walked away.

I couldn't help but giggle, "Wow, you've got code words? You really prepared for the club scene. You can also take your hand off my back now."

Mattox didn't say anything, he was focusing on something out of the corner of his eye. I followed his gaze. Crap. We had the same target. I looked back at Mattox, "He's mine."

He darted those cyan as into mine, "Oh, fuck no." I could feel his hand grip my back tighter. Over by the wanted man, Willace casually strolled, mingling with people as if he was a regular party goer. I've known the kid since fourth grade (and Mattox since kindergarden actually), and I KNOW that this was the first time he's been in one. Or near one. He looked like a fool. Believeable, but a fool.

Not being that much of a moron, Mr "Red-Tie-Sharp" was accompanied by his friends and their women, and one of them spotted Will.

"Where's your gun?" Mattox asked me.

"Where I usually- wait, no! Matt, no." He pulled me closer to him.

"Seriously, Mattox?"

"No time."

Across the room, one of the friends stood up, taking a swing at Willace with a knife in his hand. Willace nearly dodged, but his sleeve was cut and we saw blood splatter across his shirt. Other friends had gotten up with knives and were ready to finish Willace off. We knew Willace could defend himself, but we obviously had to do something. But what?

Mattox pulled me against him, and basically reached up my dress and took my M9, and fired a few rounds, hitting one or two of the target's friends. I rolled my eyes at his bad aim, and groaned when I saw he had a gun tucked into the back of his pants. I reached for it, aimed, pulled the trigger. The target went down with a thud.

Willace was handling his own, and the club cleared out. There were people on the floor, stirring and groaning about their wounds. Mattox and I lowered our guns, realizing he's still holding me against him.

I pulled away from him and said, "I totally shot him."

He scoffed, "In your dreams, Princess. That was my catch."

We walked up to the body, to see whose bullet was lodged in his body.

Somewhere in the backround, Willace was breaking someone's arm.

We looked at the body. We were rather dissapointed.

He had a bullet from each of the guns in each of his shoulders.

HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! especially Ace02 for being AMAZING and making me a great new banner!

It's 2am guys. Gimme a break.


membrain 13 years, 11 months ago

no… you live in MY timezone. Pfft -_-

Majatek 13 years, 11 months ago

Cool story bro/ho *jokes about your dress choice*

Seriously though, that's cool.

Also, below these comments, there's nothing but a wall of PITCH BLACK EMPTINESS.

*edit* Goddamnit Xemic.

sirxemic 13 years, 11 months ago

RamboFox, you were saying?

Ronnica 13 years, 11 months ago

@ Cy : Ew

@ mem : =D

@ R-Fox : Yeah, I don't like it.

@ sir X : Clever!

Toast 13 years, 11 months ago

Went up to the bar, placed my order and scoped out the place. Suddenly I felt a hand on the small of my back, and a familiar voice in my ear,


I wanna take you to a gay bar,

I wanna take you to a gay bar,

I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.

Let's start a war, start a nuclear war,

At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.


At the gay bar.

Now tell me do ya, a do ya have any money?

I wanna spend all your money,

At the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar."

Lapixx 13 years, 11 months ago

"Fire in the disco!"

Ferret 13 years, 11 months ago

@Toast, lolol my friends love playing that song while playing cod for some reason, and yelling that they took him to the gay bar when ever they get a kill.

Interesting story. How would you be able to tell who's bullet is who's? I think yours would be pink :P

Rob 13 years, 11 months ago

Why were they both assigned to kill the same person?

And why do you keep writing about your alter-ego being an assassin?

Rob is worried. D:

Ronnica 13 years, 11 months ago

@ Rob : Willace and Mattox work together. We just happen to run in the same circles.