Hurricane Issues

Posted by Ross on Aug. 31, 2008, 3:06 p.m.

Well, over the past week the Weather Channel, along with several other outlets, have been talking about a tropical storm/hurricane named Hurricane Gustav in the Gulf of Mexico. It is about to smash into New Orleans over in Louisiana, and that city is going to be hit incredibly hard. Mandatory Evacuations were ordered throughout the entire southern part of the state of Louisiana. However, evacuations were also ordered in southern Alabama, where a good number of my family members live. So, because of the evacuations, they packed up their things and are staying with me and my parents for the weekend, maybe longer, up further north in Alabama. Their property is not likely to be that damaged because Gustav is heading straight into New Orleans, very far west of Alabama.

As for Hurricane Gustav, it has already smashed Cuba, and killed over 80 people in various locations of the Caribbean. It has reached a Category Four Hurricane, but is currently a Category Three. It will most likely upgrade back to a Category Four before smashing into southern USA. Mandatory evacuations of New Orleans were ordered nearly three days ago, and all transportation into New Orleans from the interstates hasn't been possible since yesterday. They have instituted a contraflow system for the mass evacuation, which just means that the interstate that goes out of New Orleans will be overloaded, so the interstate that holds traffic going into New Orleans wouldn't normally be used at all, so they are using it as a separate interstate to aid in getting everybody out of the city.


SixWinged 16 years, 5 months ago

Also, hurricanes don't "upgrade".
What's that, hurricane is evolving?

s 16 years, 4 months ago


Alert Games 16 years, 4 months ago

Gustav… sounds like a russian hurricane.