Hey everyone, I've just started working on my new project, Picross Quest. It will be an RPG where the fighting mechanic is solving picross puzzles. I'm really happy with how it's going so far!
At the moment the engine can take in any image and build a picross puzzle out of it, including setting up the numbers and the grid automatically. You can also place and remove tiles to and from the grid, and if you successfully fill in the puzzle it gets coloured and "brought to life".Here's a short gif showing what happens after you solve a picross puzzle.
Used to play Picross DS all the time, would play the hell out of this. :P
That's good to know! :D It'll be available for Android and also for PC, I've got a more active development log on facebook if you're interested in keeping up to date with it's progress: https://www.facebook.com/PicrossQuest/