GM4Mac sucks

Posted by S3xySeele on Nov. 7, 2011, 11:42 p.m.

I frequently get a lovely message giving me the option of closing Game Maker or accept the risk of potentially corrupting my game.

The program occasionally crashes when adding an image to a sprite.

After the program crashes, my preferences are subsequently corrupted and I need to delete them unless I want Game Maker to forever open as a tiny-ass window in Simple Mode.

Oh, and the room editor is slow, buggy and utter garbage.

Lastly, they even somehow managed to screw up the damn code editor. It mostly works, but damn is it painful to use.

Pitiful excuse for GM7. I can't make my Pokemon fangame with this trash. I'll either have to wait for GM9 to come out, or buy a Windows laptop so I can use a version of Game Maker that actually works.



Moikle 13 years, 3 months ago

Every time I try to run certain games I made in GM7 into GM8, GM8 runs them differently. mainly particle effects. which sucks because I love particle effects.

S3xySeele 13 years, 3 months ago

Also, in addition to buying a laptop that runs Windows, I went ahead and bought Game Maker: HTML5.

How well my game will port over to it remains to be seen, but if all goes well, even Linux users will be able to enjoy it.