My Biggest Gripe with Vita

Posted by S3xySeele on March 2, 2012, 7:21 p.m.

My biggest gripe with the Vita? The pricing of digitally distributed versions of games.

$5 cheaper than retail… seriously, Sony?

Not only should they be a lot cheaper than that, Sony's stupidly missing out on a huge opportunity here.

Take Hot Shots Golf, for instance… great game. Definitely has a bit more content and polish than, say, a $5 golf game for iOS. But does that extra bit of content and polish justify Hot Shots Golf costing $30 more?

For physical retail editions, I can understand. You're paying not only for the game itself, but also the physical medium and the case. Then there's the fact that there's a finite number of physical copies, so you're also paying for the rarity and also helping to cover the cost of the possibility that not all copies will sell.

But the digital versions should be FUCKTON cheaper, not this '$5 cheaper' bullshit we're currently seeing. No physical product being produced, no shipping costs, infinite duplicability potential thus being able to meet all demand for the product without risk of producing too many copies, no used market cutting into sales, etc.

Not that there aren't costs associated with digital distribution (servers, bandwidth), it's just that they're absolutely microscopic in comparison to the costs associated with physical distribution.

If Sony were smart, they'd realize that this is the key. Imagine if digital versions of Vita games typically cost around $5-10, with the most expensive ones running a mere $15. That'd be a huge selling point for the Vita. Vita sales would get a very nice boost and game sales would simply skyrocket. Not to mention that used game sales would become extinct. Oh, and those proprietary memory cards? Sales of those would also skyrocket.

Win for the Vita and Sony, huge win for the consumers.


svf 12 years, 12 months ago

I fucking hate Sony. They aren't the same as they were (previously from PS2)

They have been going downhill ever since. :(

Toucan 12 years, 12 months ago

Every corporation is money hungry. They will stay make a TON of money from the 350$ Price tag, (Vita+the hidden fees, e.g. the memory card)

They're Sony.

Rob 12 years, 12 months ago

They're Sony.

Hasn't Sony been selling their game hardware (sans the Vita) for less than manufacturing costs in order to make up for it in potentially boosted software sales? That kind of seems more like a Nintendo move to me. (eg Wii)

also goddamnit S3xySeele and your goatse-esque avatar.

S3xySeele 12 years, 12 months ago

If it weren't for the fact that I'd probably get banned for it, I'd change my avatar to real goatse just to fuck with you. :)

LAR Games 12 years, 12 months ago

I just realized what your avatar was meant to be…

I'm retarded.

S3xySeele 12 years, 12 months ago

It's not meant to be goatse, if that's what you think you realized. >_<