50 Games in 2017

Posted by S3xySeele on Jan. 4, 2017, 1:51 a.m.

I played through a lot of cool games in 2016… Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, The Legend of Zelda, Persona 1-3, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Uncharted, etc…. But with thousands of games still sitting in my backlog, I can't rest on my laurels in 2017. I intend to beat these 50 titles this year:

9 Persons 9 Hours 9 Doors

Ace Attorney: Justice for All

Air Combat

Aviary Attorney


Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow

Clock Tower 3

Dead Rising

Demon's Souls

DOOM (2016)

Dragon Quest II


Emily is Away

Eternal Darkness

Fatal Frame

Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy VII


Gravity Rush

Halo Anniversary

Haunting Ground


Majora's Mask 3D

Ni no Kuni


No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise

Panzer Dragoon Orta

Parasite Eve

Persona 5

Resident Evil

Resistance 3

Rule of Rose


Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne

Silent Hill 4

Silent Hill Downpour

Silent Hill Homecoming

Silent Hill Origins

Silent Hill Shattered Memories


Sunset Overdrive

Sweet Home

The Last Guardian

Trauma Center: Under the Knife

Uncharted 3

Va-11 hall-a


Yakuza 0

Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist

Zone of the Enders

Exciting stuff, right? I mainly focused on JRPGs in 2016, so I've decided that I'll focus on clearing out a lot of my survival horror backlog in 2017. In addition to focusing on those, I'll also be tying up some loose ends from last year, as well as prepare for some of the great games dropping this year (even if I don't get to most of those until next year).

What do YOU plan on playing in 2017?


Jani_Nykanen 8 years, 1 month ago

I have played only two (or maybe three) of those games, and there are some I have never heard of. There are a lot of PSX games, so do you play them in an emulator or do you use a real PSX machine?

S3xySeele 8 years, 1 month ago

I'll probably use emulation for anything that can be emulated well (PS1, PS2, NES, etc). I do have a PS2 slim, and some of them I own as PS1 Classics which I could play on my PS3 or Vita… but emulation's just easier. Especially if I opt to do any footage capturing and/or cheating.

twisterghost 8 years, 1 month ago

That's quite the list.

I've never really gotten into the "backlog of games" thing. I've got a friend who always talks about his "backlog." Seems restricting honestly. That said, I also don't really keep up with what games I should be playing. I just pick something up and play it for a bit. Most recently, Stardew Valley. Gave it a bit of time before, but not much. I love the Harvest Moon series, and this is definitely filling the hype its gotten.

Astryl 8 years, 1 month ago

I'm keeping things simple this year. I just want to finish Dragon's Dogma and The Witcher 3 (Which I've owned for ages already but still haven't gotten very far in even though I enjoy playing it… I blame distractions), and do an SL1 run of Dark Souls 3.

Quote: twisterghost
Most recently, Stardew Valley. Gave it a bit of time before, but not much. I love the Harvest Moon series, and this is definitely filling the hype its gotten.
Oh, that too. Was given my own copy around Christmas.

I loved the Rune Factory/Harvest Moon series, especially Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town on the GBA and basically all four entries in the Rune Factory Series. Was really relaxing. Still take Rune Factory 3 with me any time I have to wait in a queue.

Acid 8 years, 1 month ago

A lofty, but extremely appealing goal. Good luck on your journey of excellent experiences.

factnfiction101 8 years, 1 month ago

I like your list :) A lot of great games.

Last year I did speedruns on Final Fantasy 4, 6, and 7. If you're interested. 2016 I happened to beat Dead Rising, I wanted to make it a bit easier for when my son played it. I got to level 50 for him.

I would like to play through Folklore, I always thought it was an underrated game. I didn't get too far in the game when I had it.