Some weather videos

Posted by Scott_AW on Oct. 2, 2009, 8:15 p.m.

Well I can pretty much forget about the contest for a web embbed exploration game, 2 days left. Anyway I'm moving forward on this, its kind of like a project I did a -long- time ago using VERGE, which was not a side-scroller engine, but I used it as one anyway.

Right now there is a lot of graphic making, which is fairly easy do to the resolution, and preparing the maps. Even if I don't have all the elements to finish them, I'm getting them setup. Basing it off a topdown map I made of a city, there will be four views for each section(most of the time), east, west, south and north. Depending on when you cross streets, go down allies and what not.

But below is the weather testing. Rain is perfect, to me, I am perfectly happy with how it functions and how little drag it puts on things…the snow needs some work. I have it adding 2x1 pixel tiles to the tile layer, but that kills things eventually so I either need to make a series of 'snow layers' which are overlaying backgrounds, or make a smarter tile placement system for the now to not place were a snow piece already exists.

You can guess I won't be doing the latter…

Rain effect test.

Snow Stress Test.


Scott_AW 15 years, 4 months ago

Something I can have generate with the room, patches of post-landed snow.