I like cam studio, after finding out how to properly optimize it and since evaldraw is pretty damn fast.
Video capture for the win. Since video will save you rambling about the details. Just about what isn't obvious.You can just watch, no reading needed.So I've made some new tiles and modified coloring on two of them. Plus a pillar object. The mindless drones happily wander about too.The editor itself makes no sense without some kind of color key.Colors represent the index for walls, floor and ceilings. The palette gets split depending on what your using, and you get a little display of what colors are chosen.Still some bugs, but working fine otherwise for a quick made editor.Object, light, npc and event placement are next to add.You can have maps currently 8-64 in size. Maybe bigger if I fix a few things about how the map is scanned. Currently it does a full scan, and my attempts to limit it weren't proper, causing problems. I just need to make a smarter algorithm for it.
this would make an interesting first person shooter
There is so much scope to make really cool games out of this.
this makes me feel wonderfully claustrophobic.
You put the "aw" after "scott"
as in awesome.For a moment I thought you were going to say, "AWWW, HE'S SO CUTE."
yeah I noticed halfway of writing it I was saying "aw" and not "awe"
Change your name to scott_awe.
Also, your productivity alone is worthy of awe.Now lets see if I actually finish the engine.
Please do, and please do something awesome with it rather than just leaving it at the engine part :)
Can't just have an awesome engine?