Update partial, heres a 64D exclusive demo.

Posted by Scott_AW on Aug. 14, 2010, 12:47 a.m.

To 64D, with love

Its exclusive, because its only the play and I'm trying to keep my releases on Gamejolt in tandem with both play and source versions.

Actually the real reason is because I didn't bring the latest version of the map maker…which is going to need some more updating so you actually see and change preexisting object/light data.

Currently you can only place and set once, then remove and start over.

The upcoming map maker has a bunch of small fixes, one important one that prevents ghost objects…

So whats in this demo beside an INI and EXE?

One single map with various stairs teleporting to various locations within the map, and a few doors. Now you can run around and pop up into different areas, or just watch the NPCs do it. That is if they don't purposely avoid doors and stairs.

They do that sometimes.


Scott_AW 14 years, 6 months ago

Maybe because they are more varied, on curved surfaces or something else.

It might have to do with a combination of shading which is applied to the model and the mipmapping of the model itself.

The white walls are actually gray, but have little holes to make it looked chipped and imperfect. However it is a large area of one color.