F_ it, voxelize that grass.

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 26, 2011, 11:19 p.m.

Masked walls as grass? Kind of worked, but then it seems to have killed performance. How about ortho sprites? Seem kind of funny….

How about a special flat wall that always faces the player? Looked kind of neat, almost seemed like you were pushing the grass aside….but kind of looked funky as well.

So..screw it, voxel grass patches! The nicest thing is that I can scale them either wider or taller.


JuurianChi 14 years ago

Grass - Gr = ass

Do not want.

joking "ass"-ide, I don't think the change is all that bad.

Castypher 14 years ago

Boo, get off the stage.

JID 14 years ago


That joke was so dry, I needed something to drink. :P

Mordi 14 years ago

Looks great, but the lighting is weird to me. All objects are lighted like it's day, but the sky is dark.