F_ it, voxelize that grass.

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 26, 2011, 11:19 p.m.

Masked walls as grass? Kind of worked, but then it seems to have killed performance. How about ortho sprites? Seem kind of funny….

How about a special flat wall that always faces the player? Looked kind of neat, almost seemed like you were pushing the grass aside….but kind of looked funky as well.

So..screw it, voxel grass patches! The nicest thing is that I can scale them either wider or taller.


Mush 14 years ago

This is looking very nice. I may have missed a previous blog, but what is the gameplay like?

Scott_AW 14 years ago


You can take your pick of the most recent ones, should give you an idea.

Misconstruct 14 years ago


Cesque 14 years ago

This is looking very nice. I may have missed a previous blog, but what is the gameplay like?

http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=Cesque&cmd=comments&id=269608 ;)

To be honest, I liked the grass you used before, I didn't really notice any performance errors (but perhaps there might be some on older computers) and it looked surprisingly good. This new grass looks too voxelated and resembles a coral reef as a result.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

Well I noticed a big difference between having sprite grass vs. wall grass. That and the wall grass was more a pain in the ass then you could think.

Sure this is some chunky grass, but it makes up for it in verstility. I can make the grass patches bigger and smaller at will, and they are gradually destructable….which now that I think of it, maybe they should shrink a little each time you hit them….

Cesque 14 years ago

I still like the old one more. Grass is one of those things that shouldn't look three-dimensional when you're close to it. I love the voxelised trees, though.

The Avatrol 14 years ago

I disagree. It doesn't realistically resemble grass, but it gives the appearance of something you can run up to ad hack away a big chunk of.

You should make little animals that roam around. They would be harder to spot in the grass. :)

Cesque 14 years ago

It looks more like bushes :P Did you see the OLD grass, Avatrol?

Okay, okay, I'll shut up now.

Scott_AW 14 years ago

Well I can always make the grass thinner so it looks better, but the difference between using sprites vs walls is like night and day, I went from some areas with dropping down to 20-30 FPS shoot to 100-200fps without the use of grass walls and roof toppers.

Ferret 14 years ago

It's some tall grass, but still looks like grass to me.