No more Gayverns, new computer and more...

Posted by Scott_AW on Feb. 19, 2011, 7:46 p.m.

So after much searching, missing out on a nice barebones deal(damn one day only, just before my tax returns…) and countless browsing I settled on a desktop.

I got it at Walmart <.< same place I got my first netbook. Both are Acers.

So I got an Acer with a dual core 3ghz AMD Athlon II X2, 4gb ram, 1tb hd and a pretty nice Nvidia card built in. If you're going to buy any kind of computer at Walmart, it might as well be an Acer.

New computer ment I also had to get my wife her beloved Sims, Sims 3 with the first two expansions(not the stuff ones). I've actually found myself getting into it now that its like a hybrid of Sim City(kinda) and Sims, one big open environment. So they actually made Sims not suck anymore.

Of course this also means I'm using my new system less than I would like. I did get a chance to run full-speced HDR w/ Bloom Oblivion, so tasty, too bad it sucks still…

Did I mention I'm on ModDataBase?

And since I brought up Oblivion, I found this at MODDB

And this for Daggerfall!

And thus, I've changed the font, water fall graphic and such. I'm also redoing how the waterfall effect looks, it'll be much nicer.


Scott_AW 14 years ago

Toshiba is to Sony as Hundai is to Honda.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Compaq isn't good but HP is fine, I'm sticking with HP for laptops. Don't really plan on ever getting a desktop again.