I've decided to shift engines after playing around with some things I can do in evaldraw vs. the original Duke3d engine.
I go into some detail at the blog, blackshadowgame.blogspot.comBut for those who don't like clicking(there is a video there…however its also on the previous blog) I'll run down the basics of what the changes mean. Also if you act now and send a PM(and have duke3d…) you can have at the canceled Duke3d version, or at least what I had done. Main reason I'm switching is that Evaldraw is an engine made to handle voxels, and lighting, and lighting of those voxels.Other main reason is the loss of limits and some new features I can play with. Since evaldraw is not faked 3d in the way Duke3d is, it is 6DOF engine and thus no distortion in any direction viewed.This also means that I can create true rooms over rooms, unlike the faked and limited method. In fact I can go bat-shit crazy with the room's over rooms in Evaldraw, creating scenes Duke3d could never achieve.And then theres the glorious lighting effect and resulting shadows casted. Currently Voxels don't cast shadows, but I found some nice work arounds for pillars to cast shadows.BS for duke3d is dead, long live BS for Evaldraw!
Posted by Scott_AW on March 10, 2011, 10:37 p.m.
Scott_AW is the new DSG. But at least you're making steady progress… I like full 3d camera movement :)
Yes I'm getting on that band wagon, but yes, true 6dof 3d-ness.
Good luck.
I have to make a lot of my own effects, like water.
LEAN? LEANNNN?? I hate lean.
I haven't put any limits on the camera yet, right now its like having a spherical head in a greased bowl.