Hello again

Posted by Scott_AW on April 19, 2012, 12:33 p.m.

Well after a nearly year long mental journey, I've come back to say a few things…

But first, here's what game stuff I've started doing.

First I dropped the Black Shadow 3d project do to various limits and blocks in its developement.

So instead I've decided to use the Build engine to make something else, currently called Project OCD. I have a few videos of it on youtube. Mixes voxel models and sprites to create an 8-bit RPG sci-fi look. Currently only a few maps and not too much in story and characters yet.

I also started making a MOO clone in GLBasic targeted to handhelds, but thats on hold…

However I've decided to work on The Crawl in GLBasic, having the editor for PC/Macs and the game itself playable on a handheld. Moving more to classical movement like Eye of the Beholder, but smooth transitions since its 3d. The map editor is getting closer to completion and I've added the feature for having height maps, so it combines The Crawl game with the COW RPG I had slapped together in gamemaker awhile ago.

But anyways, I had a bit of a discovery, which sort of put me in an insane state of mind and began researching and studying things…weird things.

A lot has to do with reading on ancient religions, cults and paranormal stuff.

The largest amount of info though has been found using Audcatity and good old back-tracking. Which is where you reverse the audio and listen for words. Surprisingly I found a lot and attached a zip below that has a bunch of text files. Most are from musics, most are incomplete and not totally accurate. I can probably tell you the source of the conversation if you can't figure it out.

Some of the txts have both forward and backward translated conversation or statements.

Most is only the semi-translated reversed words.

Here's a few things…

Say = Yes

Illuminati = Eat Animal

Obama's 'yes we can' comes out as 'hail satan'

In some of Obama's reversed speeches he talks about a moon god.

Not to say that republicans are any better…I haven't done any Bush speeches.

One of Justin Beiber's most known song mentions he wants to rape the world, also he calls out Yahwah.

Christian rock has been know to contain the name Lucifer in the lyrics.

Try some yourself, or even just record yourself and hear what you're really saying. ;)

I'm not totally sure what is going on yet, but its some kind of game between One, which I guess is god, but then it turns out Christians and related religions are actually using Zeus as god.

Also I've heard of a god/demon by the name of Azule. There is spirit called Zero.

Lucifer apparently is also called Luci, Sarah and apparently is also Lilith.

Eve has been branded the sinner, and is actually Adam's second wife, which was previously Lilith.

Lilith is connected with Zero, Satan is actually connected with God, or One. Devil is actually -1.

The universe and earth are shaped like eggs. Earth has it's own soul, as do other planets.

Apparently there's connections with gods between different relgions and may be the same ones, and thus there are fewer.

Fun times.



Ferret 12 years, 10 months ago

Welcome back :D

You are now into some pretty weird stuff D:

Rob 12 years, 10 months ago

I'm glad to see your university education is paying for itself, Cesque.

Scott_AW 12 years, 10 months ago

Yes I'm still a little off, but its been fun and interesting at least. I keep you guys updated on my weird nonsense and game making stuff.

The backtracking stuff is some pretty weird but interesting stuff, still trying to figure out what it all boils down to,

Also learned a bit about spiritual possessions and captured souls if you're in to that.

flashback 12 years, 10 months ago

"What it boils down to"

Confirmation bias, for the most part.

Astryl 12 years, 10 months ago

This is Scott_AW, the coolest motherfucker around. Welcome back, man.

Welcome back Scott_AW. Any chance you'll release your old Black Shadow work? :P

Scott_AW 12 years, 10 months ago

Already did, its in one of my older blogs, all the resources and data is available for download.

Polystyrene Man 12 years, 10 months ago

Also learned a bit about spiritual possessions and captured souls if you're in to that.
Expand, please.

Glad you're back. Somehow your eccentricity slipped by me in the past.

Scott_AW 12 years, 10 months ago

Its kind of surfaced lately. I've notice that both myself and others are influenced by other spirits. I've had sort of an awaking which made me realize a part of me wasn't me. Now I have to figure out what to do about it. I don't think I'm alone in this either, but there seems to be some connection with bi-polar and other mental disorders.

Sadly medical approaches seem to be geared toward drugging a person instead of trying to figure things out. I'm a bit unnerved by the idea of correcting things with excessive drug use, something that seems to be happening more than it should.

By this I mean the manufactured drugs that get pushed on people. I personally have no faith in the FDA, as their consistent failure to actually regulate drugs and realize their effects on a human body seem to be retarded.